are there any jobs out there that pay for relocation or provide shelter for their employees WITHOUT A DEGREE!?

2016-01-07 6:07 pm
hi I am 22 years old and homeless, I have few years of college under my belt but I'm still sure exactly what I want to do. I just want to get away from where I am now because there is nothing here for me. does anyone know of any type of jobs that will move me away or give me shelter? I am trying to get some stability in my life so I can get on the right track.

回答 (11)

2016-01-07 6:52 pm
A job at a cruise ship or a destination resort.

American Red Cross
US Jobs corps
2016-01-07 10:37 pm
Migrant worker. Start in Arizona or Cali...they will be picking lettuce or broccoli or cabbage now. Transportation, income, and a place to sleep.

You meet interesting people.
2016-01-07 6:08 pm
Join the military.
2016-01-08 12:20 am
2016-01-12 6:04 pm
Military! With your college credit you can go in at a higher pay level.
2016-01-07 6:20 pm
Hi there, I'm really sorry about your situation.
I know a few places that you can look into that will give you shelter and meals but won't pay you much so it might be difficult to save up.

There's the PeaceCore. You won't earn much money but they do provide food and shelter for up to two years as long as you are alright with traveling.

You can also apply to work on a cruise ship. You don't need much experience (if any) for most positions and you'll be signed on work contracts for something like 4 months at a time.You'd live on the cruise ship and I think they might allow you to eat meals for free too, but I'm not sure on that one.

Some hotel jobs also allow you to live at the hotel.

If you're good with children, honest and have a good background, lots of people are looking for live-in nannies and usually you eat with the family so you get free meals as well.

Of course there's always the armed forces, if you don't want to be in direct combat I would recommend the Navy or Airforce.

A little while ago when I was 21, I was in a predicament trying to figure out how to move out of my parent's and attend college in another city. I know this sounds silly, but I actually posted an ad on Craigslist in the community and platonic section asking for help. I was really looking for financial help, but didn't say that straight out because I wanted to see what ideas other people had that could help me similarly.

I received a lot of offers for free rent in peoples homes or places they owned. They were going to allow me to stay there for free as long as I could eventually find a job to take care of my other expenses. People are a lot kinder than you'd think. :) Some even offered me a job and a place to live.

I wound up not taking them up on it because I was being awarded a scholarship that paid for a good amount of my housing, and took out loans for the rest, but still this could work for you. Just be careful about it.
2016-01-11 5:56 am
North Dakota- Oil companies, I believe you'll live at a man camp
Apartment maintenance/manager
Good luck
2016-01-08 3:06 am
Start where you are. Apply for live in housekeeper or nanny work then clean houses in your off time and hoard your pay and other earnings. When you have saved for a few months apply for a job in the nearest city same thing take a bus there and work as a live in help, save until you have enough to pay rent and deposit for your own place then apply for a hourly job.
2016-01-07 6:13 pm
Jobs in a very remote space - some tourist jobs and some resource/mining jobs. But then you'd have to get there often on your own dime. Solve the homeless problem first here by seeking shelter, getting a local job and then planning this out better.
2016-01-07 7:08 pm
What you have described is only provided to high earners (key people with a degree) - people who already have a job and the employer wants their employee to work in another location. Without any skills or a diploma/degree, you need to take whatever kind of low income job you can find. That is all you are going to find. See if a friend will take you in temporarily or, better yet, beg your parents to take you back until you get a job and money saved to find your own place.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-01-07 6:13 pm
There are not.

After TexPerson:
I stand corrected. Great answer.

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