Can I brush my teeth with normal toothpaste after using baking soda on my teeth?

2016-01-07 4:31 am
So, if I brush my teeth with baking soda, should I brush it with normal toothpaste straight away after that or just baking soda will do?

Oh and 1 more question, after using baking soda today, do I continue with using regular toothpaste the next day?

Last question!😁
How many times should I brush my teeth with baking soda a week? And should it be consecutive days or no?

回答 (3)

2016-01-07 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd get a tooth paste with baking soda in it. Without tooth paste you're missing out on fluoride and probably some other things.
2016-01-07 5:22 am
I think but I'm not sure. Go for it
2016-01-07 4:32 am
Just water enough..

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