When did G8 become G7?

2016-01-06 11:12 pm
At some point G7 transformed into G8 Group by joining Russia. However, the country was excluded later. Why was Russia excluded out of G8 group? What is the main purpose of the organization?

回答 (5)

2016-01-06 11:50 pm
This is another elite club. Russia was excluded because they interfered with America's plans to take resources and real estate in E. Ukr. and Crimea. Also because Russia sent military aid to East Ukraine to fend off attacks by the neo-Fascist regime in Kiev and also because the Crimean people voted to reunify with Russia in the face of losing their civil rights.

The U.S. had to get Russia out of the alliance so they could isolate them and push them around. Any country who does not work to benefit the U.S. is ostracized and punished.

"The Group of Seven (G7) is an informal bloc of industrialized democracies--the United States, Canada France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom--that meets annually to discuss issues such as global economic governance, international security, and energy policy."
2016-01-06 11:32 pm
Russia was suspended from membeship of that elitist club because it decided to ignore the principle that international borders should never be ignored or changed by force. This was when it decided to reassimilate Crimea.

The G7 was founded in 1985 to facilitate economic cooperation among the world's largest industrial nations.
2016-01-11 11:55 pm
About 15 months ago, as Russia was excluded.

The member states of the G7 are the leading industrialized states which form a group called the Group of Seven (G7). The member states of the G7 are the UK, USA, Germany, Japan, France, Canada and Italy. The heads of state for each of these members convene to discuss and resolve periodically occurring issues which affect international economic policy.
2016-01-07 8:15 pm
Russia lost its place at the G8 table due to its illegal annexation of Crimea region of Ukraine and because of the help it gave to Ukrainian rebels who it is thought shot down the passenger jet mh17 2014 in which 298 innocent people died. Its thought that a RUSSIAN supplied BUK missile was responsible for the aircraft loss. Since then international sanctions have been brought into place ostracising Russia for its continued involvement in the Ukrainian conflict and other political issues.
2016-01-06 11:28 pm
Stupid political reasons - nothing mroe.

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