What are your views on life?

2016-01-06 11:00 pm
So Everyone has a purpose in life. They may be good or they may be bad. Yin and yang. But My life is just pain. Ive had nothing but pain in my life and almost no joy. If everyone has a purpose do you think its possible that my life is just to take in pain so others dont have to suffer as much?

回答 (12)

2016-01-07 1:04 am
So everyone has a purpose in life and that purpose will change over the course of a lifetime.
Regarding pain...some people choose a lifetime of pain, in a sense to burn off the karma of many other lives. Don't assume those other lives are in the past and you're doing penance....it's not like that.

Alan, know that you can be done with and be rid of the pain when you choose to be. Pain and suffering is not a requirement, it's a belief become reality.
2016-01-06 11:42 pm
No, I don't believe that, but what you believe is more important. If you are not satisfied with your life, you need to identify what you are or are not doing to make it that way and, based on what you determine, decide how to change it. Armed with that information, then go about implement what is required.
2016-01-07 2:21 am
Life is not always hard. And of course, it is not always easy. There must be a night to contrast the day. There must be a bad to know that which is good. There must be a difficult to know what is easy. There must be a Yin for every Yang.

Don't fall for the grand illusion. No one has it better than anyone else. I think life is equally challenging for everyone. One man’s heaven may be another man’s hell, and vice versa. We all suffer, but we all experience joy. The trick is to get a little bit better at dealing with the bummers and more appreciative of the good times as you go along.

In general, I think that life may not get easier, but we learn how to adjust our personal attitude towards life's events and are therefore happier and perceive life as easier. By constantly trying to improve ourselves as people, we grow to enjoy more of what life has to offer.

Here are some quotes I have collected but forgot who originally said them:
And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
“We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to you to make it good or bad.”
“Worry less. Smile more. Accept criticism. Take responsibility. Be quiet and listen. Love life. Embrace change. Feel good anyway.”
“Never wish that life were easier; wish that you were better.”
“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

I hope this rambling answer is constructive. Peace to you.
2016-01-07 3:38 am
To be honest I've thought about that about my own life over the years. I think about the family I was adopted in whose family were Lutheran ministers and their lives were blessed of God. But me I never had a call to be a preacher but just to be a servant. And I have not had happiness much of late these past 11 years. And I've thought as you did. Even early this morning. My life is suffering so that those before me could have the victory and happiness.

I know God is real but I also know that there are people who are made for honor and those who are born for dishonor. And me thinks this is my fate in life. And I thought as you did even to God. Okay Lord. If my life is to be this sorrow and pain out of all the family so that those before me could be happy? Then so be it.

Just know that you are not alone in this world. In fact the reality is that really there are more people like us than we would like to admit.

So my view in life is not to ask them how their life is doing.

Not that.

My view in life now is to help other people out so that their life goes better without regard to whether my life improves or not. It doesn't matter.

I believe in God and whatever I get for some small reward for what I do at least He knows. And I will be happy just be with My Lord at the end.

That's my present Christian view of life.
2016-01-08 12:34 am
You might be able to help yourself by asking others to help you. For instance, there are licensed counselors available 24/7 to call. Search phrases "hope for the heart june hunt," "focus on the family," and "klove" will bring up their numbers. There is an online group search phrase "befrienders.org " that also is good. And, for good vocational opportunities, training programs, search phrase "real work matters rwm.org". These can help you. Please give yourself help by asking them for help.
2016-01-07 6:38 pm
Perhaps. Or, maybe your purpose is a bit greater than that, which is to learn how to transcend pain so that you can help others do the same.
2016-01-07 6:04 pm
Good, bad, and purpose don't really exist. Good and bad just boil down to what's beneficial vs harmful in your eyes. Your purpose is whatever you make it. What your life means to others or to the universe, is up to you. You just have to do it.
2016-01-07 5:51 pm
Everyone's life does play a part in the larger balance of the cosmos.But within each individual life,a balance must be met as well,otherwise problems and health issues will arise.If one waits on the cosmos to balance one's own life,it may never happen,as the scales are too large and impersonal.So one must do the balancing oneself,if only to minimize the suffering.For you,I recommend giving more than you take.This is the only way to possibly restore balance.
2016-01-07 8:00 am
If you don't mind me saying that cannot be true . Just for interest maybe you should read the Stoics
2016-01-07 6:45 am
My view on "life" is it is incredibly broad category and having "A" purpose is like only eating celery for the rest of your life. My advice to you is to spend as little time on your pain as you can muster (I know that it is hard because pain has its own gravitational force.) Spend as much time as you can focused on those things in your life that are not pain. It is not to deny pain that we don't give it an inch, but to widen the ledge we stand upon. Looking for meaning in pain is a nasty trick pain plays on us of trying to keep our attention away from everything else. You and I and other people experience pain because we are ELIGIBLE. It is an option of the universe to give me X amount of pain, and my job to not enhance it with mental torture, suffering and self-doubting. Best of luck.
2016-01-07 12:17 am
My views on life occur from about 6ft-3" in the air ... and every view is as diverse as it is variable, at all times.
2016-01-06 11:39 pm
It is true that some people are given more pain in their lives than others. I do not think that it is your fate to take that pain. With faith and positive thinking, you can achieve a pain-free life.
I wish you a long and pain-free existence.

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