Do you think you have a chance to win the powerball jackpot?

2016-01-06 10:18 pm

回答 (99)

2016-01-07 11:38 pm
The same 1 in 290 million chance anyone else does
Someone will eventually win
2016-01-08 1:01 am
The odds are one in 292.2 million, which means you’re very unlikely to win. You are a lot more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to win the lottery: your chance of being struck by lightning in a year is about one in 960,000.

But as many lottery officials often say, "You have no chance of winning if you don’t participate at all."

In case you still want to give it a go, here is a website that explains how to improve your chances at winning:

P.S. the luckiest numbers are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 (all Lost fans will get this)
2016-01-06 10:22 pm
I bought the ticket, I'll take the ride.

Usually I don't even check them for a month or so, as long as I don't know whether it's a winner, it's like Shroedinger's Jackpot. Maybe I'm a millionaire and maybe I'm not!
2016-01-09 6:20 pm
Everyone who purchased a Powerball ticket has a chance to win. Your luck will depend on the computer draw.
2016-01-08 11:12 pm
You or we are more likely to get struck by lighting, hit by a car, and get bitten by a shark then to when the upcoming powerball jackpot
2016-01-10 4:00 am
Here are some comparisons for helping you to see your chances of winning the powerball prize of 900,000 million dollars. 1 in 175 million
It's like somebody taking pennies and stacking them from here to the moon and saying if you the pick the right one you win.
It's the same odds as you getting struck by lightning five times in a row.
It's the same odds as you becoming president
The odds of you winning tonight's powerball is as great as the odds that you will one day make and start for the Dallas Mavricks.
I hope you didn't find this discouraging!
2016-01-08 6:55 am
Yes, my chance is the same as everyone else's chance, given that they buy one ticket. So the chance is 40 billions to 1. That's the real odds with some rounding. The back of the number slip is a lie, they gave people super low odds.
2016-01-10 3:15 pm
If you bought a ticket, yes . If you have not bought a ticket no. You might be lucky to get a bit of the jackpot if someone you know gives you a share of the money.
2016-01-09 9:35 pm
There is a chance, but it's extremely low . . . I think at about 1 in 292 million. I know I'm not going to win, but it's always fun to hope!
2016-01-09 4:48 pm
Everyone who buys a ticket gets a change. What are the odds of you and I winning? Pretty slim.

The thing that bothers me about this Powerball Lottery is that they raised the price by 100%, increasing the ticket price from $1.00 to $2.00, promising that the odds of winning would increase quite a bit. Well that is a bunch of hogwash because now this lottery jackpot is the highest in history. So, that means it is a big fat lie that the odds of winning increased with the price per ticket increase because the lottery jackpot would never gotten this high if people were winning in the mean while. Right? Right.

I will still play because like everyone who does, we think money will set us free.

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