這照片是我的狗,他已經死了,看到這張照片,我就想起他出身的時候,那是在一個颱風天的晚上,聽到外面有狗叫聲,我就跑出去看,看到一直剛出身的小狗被水沖走,我就急忙的去把他救起來,到他5歲的時候身體就越來越不好,最後逃不出病痛折磨就這樣離開了,他是我最好的朋友,祝,好 拜託幫我翻譯英文?

2016-01-06 6:14 pm

回答 (3)

2016-01-16 8:15 pm
This is a photo of my dog. He already passed away. Looking at this photo reminds me of the day when he was born - a stormy night in the middle of hurricane season. That day I heard the sound of a dog barking outside, and I ran out to look only to find out a newborn puppy being carried away by the flood. In a hurry, I saved the little guy. When he became 5 years old his health was becoming worse and worse. At the very end, he couldn't escape the pain and torment of the illness, and just went like that. He was my best friend and I wish him well.
2016-01-07 1:21 am
This is a photo of my dog, but he is dead. Looking at this photo, it reminds me the day he was born. It was on a night during typhoon, I heard a barking noise, I went out and see a new born puppy being washed away, I rushed out and saved him. His health got worse when he reached 5 years old, finally he was unable to overcome the illness and passed away. He was my best friend.
2016-01-06 10:43 pm
This is a photo of my puppy "Puppy". He died a few months ago. His photos always remind me of how he found me. That was a stormy hurricane night, when I heard him barking right out side of my house. I saw him, a newly born little beast, flowing in the flood. Without hesitation, I jumped in to the river, struggled against waves after waves, and finally saved him.

He was physically weak in his whole life and died at age of 5 taken by illnesses.
He was my best friend and I wish him well. He somehow helped me with my English translation...

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