2016-01-06 4:13 pm
Hi, I'm 20 years old and have a major problem, Me an my husband have been together for five years now. And his sex drive is through the roof and I have no sex drive what so ever..When we do have sex I just lay there, and don't get involved at all. And I can see it's killing us... Please help what do I do

回答 (51)

2016-01-08 5:11 am
From your words (not much, really) I gather you may have a congruency of two situations: one, a 'social one', and the other an 'hormonal' on. Be extremely carefully not to be swindled by those who would recommend to become a Lesbian, only because the sex act might appear faster and stronger at the moment. That is the wrong exit, leading only to more pain and trouble.

When kissing, saliva carries the component required for a sexual desire to be enhanced; it's an hormone that flows between Man and his wife. This, creates the sexual desire. That is the 'social one', and I mean that you and husband might be affected from the years of being together (your case, specifically) that finds it boring; your husband bores you to death (with all due respect). There are no hormones flow, because you simply do not kiss each other, do not desire each other (I mean you, rather).

If, this happens, then the second stage: you have a deficiency in receptors, that do not sense the presence of sexual hormones in the saliva (blood) and do not respond accordingly; hence the problem becomes a medical one. One - particularly - for a glandular secretion specialist, an Endochynologist.

In between all those extremes, there is also the Counsel of a Sex therapist, usually an intermediary element that dwells in between the Medical, the Psychological and the Social field.

Personally, between two adults, this is a representation of the little 'knowledge' of each other's exist and the level of emotional development that there is in the couple. Maybe a fellow Christian Pastor, or some mutual readings of the Scriptures might solve the problem, but it is not a silver bullet, either. These are complex issues.

Again, there is the possibility you matured into the relationship, and you do not feel in communion with him; find that the 'reality' is not as the 'idea' at first, or maybe you had a different perspective of sex in a committed relationship. "Who knows the spirit of a person, but the spirit in the person in him?" Only you might have the answers, after all.
2016-01-06 5:00 pm
You may just be a person with no sex drive. This can be labelled as a-sexual, which means you ave no desire for sex. However this can clearly impact your relationships. I think you need to sit down and explain to your partner that you don't have a sex drive and also look into a-sexuality. Remember a-sexuality is totally okay and its just who you are. Good luck!
2016-01-08 5:32 am
I wouldn t jump to considering yourself asexual, I mean certainly do some research into it, as I did. I m 28, have been sexually active since age 15, but have gone through long periods of time in my life where I have pretty much no sex drive.. It s killed a few relationships for me, some I regret, some I don t. I have mild clinical depression, so I know that (and the meds I ve taken for it in the past) have had an impact. Are you on any meds? Even drugs like marijuana can have an impact for some people. Hell, I ve even known women who felt like the birth control pill lowered their sex drive.
Have you always felt this way or is it something more recent? If it s a new development, I d look into what you may be taking for meds, what kind of state the rest of your life is in (cuz if you have a bunch of stress it isn t gunna help,) and whether or not you are still truly attracted to your husband.. Sad to say, but you can love a person deeply even if you re not interested in them sexually anymore. I had a heartbreaking experience with a long time relationship that ended because of this. But you can t force yourself into wanting to have sex with someone, even if you love them, I know because I tried. Eventually the problem will become too large for either of you to ignore and something will give. I wish I had let him go sooner then I did, because I knew there was a problem and tried to hide and ignore it. Don t do this, it will only hurt both of you more.
If you don t believe this has anything to do with your husband, and that it is a problem born out of other things, then look into the other possible causes I discussed. Also, look a lil bit into things that may be outside of your current comfort zone sexually... I did and have not regretted it. It took me a while to find my thing, the thing that makes you purr and really gets you going lol.. I hope you find it, best of luck to you, and remember you are not weird or a bad person for feeling this way, and you are certainly not the only woman to experience a lack of desire.
2016-01-08 5:26 am
I am 20 and sometimes I myself go through dry spells. I think it is a hormone imbalance due to maybe your diet, and it could be just stress or something like that causing hormonal imbalance. I had a period of time where I just did not want to have sex, I did it sometimes regardless of being in the mood because I understand that because I am in a dry spell does not mean my partner is so I still tried to meet his needs as well. But definitely let your partner know how you feel and maybe do go see a doctor, they can point you in the right direction if you are lacking some vitamins or if you just need to eat differently. I hope you figure this all out, and don't feel abnormal about what is happening to you, everyone has different lifestyles and bodies. So things that effect you may not effect others. The best you can do is get tests ran to see if it is a hormone thing, if not just see what happens with your love life. Also sorry to keep going but sometimes when you aren't in the mood try to engage in sexual activity with your partner anyway and just try getting yourself in the mood, take him by surprise and just take control. It can actually get you going pretty quickly when there is no spark on your end.
2016-01-07 6:05 pm
I am sorry for the problem but admire you for recognizing that there is a problem - and it is affecting your marriage. Your husband is probably very frustrated, feeling guilty, unsatisfied, insecure, etc etc. mainly because he may think he has a problem getting you interested - and he may. It won't be long before he looks elsewhere for someone who participates in sex. I assume from your post that you just have no interest or get nothing out of sex - no pleasure - no intimate feelings - etc. It could be your mental state. Maybe the way you were raised or your church beliefs - childhood memories - etc. In that case you need to seek professional help - more than you can get here on answers. Start with a good doctor that specializes in sexual problems - and if they don't help seek another - someone can help you. They can help determine if you are asexual, bi-sexual, lesbian, or some other tag name.
If you are just lying there and letting him have sex with you and you do not participate you are really putting him down and he knows you don't even feel anything. If you love him, want to have a family with children then you owe it to him to find out about yourself. If you don't you are headed for a lifetime of problems, heartache and who knows whatever. He deserves a willing and enthusiastic partner in you (or he will find someone else). I hope I can help
2016-01-07 5:34 am
You might be asexual? maybe you can try bdsm? Not rough or anything unsafe, but alot of mistresses can go without sex, and still satisfy their partner. Urethral singing and a gentle hand job can feel great, and a massaging the prostate can be feel good and prevent prostate cancer. Be sure to do through research on these things until your comfortable with the idea, both of you. Or maybe it be your hormones or stress putting you off. Watch porn and talk about It together, even to make fun of it, but not of each others fetishes. People can be sensitive about that stuff. Bjs can band aid the problem until you find out y you don't have a sex drive. You could be bored or stressed, don't be afraid to talk to a doctor about it. It could be your diet draining energy from you. Juicing or blending fruit can help with diet. Did I mentioned masturbation by yourself has health benefits too? Try doing things alone yo see what you like. Don't forget to be his friend, go laugh together.
參考: Health and kink activist lol. Good luck and remember to enjoy things you guys comfort level.
2016-01-06 4:49 pm
Yeesh that's a huge problem. A couple I know had the same exact problem. All I can say is that this is certainly a relationship killer. No matter what anybody says, sex is one of the pillars of a relationship and having wildly different sex drives can cause alot of friction. Its like having one person who is always content and one person who never is. Basically the way I see it is that if your sex drive doesn't come up or his doesn't go down, then your relationship is headed for the end. My suggestion, see a doctor. If that doesn't help then see a marriage counselor.
2016-01-08 6:28 am
Do you still love him? You were probably far too young when you got together and now you don't fancy him any more. Fifteen is no age whatsoever to make such a big commitment and now perhaps you're stuck with a man you don't want and instead of being honest with yourself, you are asking the wrong question. On the other hand, maybe he's just crap in bed and if that is the problem then tell him. He can't read your mind you know.
2016-01-07 8:54 pm
I would talk to your doctor - run some of the normal tests. There could be hormonal issues at play. Typically, women have lower sex drives than men, due to social conditioning and hormonal levels. Women with higher testosterone levels tend to higher sex drives - but it also makes them have more masculine features.

Could it be possible that you are asexual? People who are sexual sometimes like romantic relationships (love, dates, relationships, etc) and even masturbation but do not enjoy sex. It is more common than you would think.

Even if you are asexual, it is still possible to remain in the relationship. It will likely take sacrifice on your part, but if you include your husband in the discussion it might allow him to be more understanding. Lack of sexual desire is not always a medical or mental issue.
2016-01-07 4:12 pm
Tbh I was on the same boat as you not too long ago with my husband. You might be over thinking it or not thinking about it enough. What I mean by that is your mind is probably thinking about a million other things rather than focusing on him and only him and what's going on. You need to familiarize yourself that you're making love and it's a powerful way to connect with him. Don't think about it as I'm having sex and not enjoying it and why am I not into it. How do you expect to have deep intimacy with your husband when you're not exactly turned on and not taking part on it by getting involved. Add some fun to your sex life, wear lingerie(feel sexy), try his&hers lubes, toys, foreplay, sex cards, lap dance, and all while you do this think about what he likes and how excited he'll be and he'd appreciate that more kz you're thinking about him. Think about the way he takes your clothes of, the way he looks at you, etc., Sex is a big pillar in marriage, && most importantly don't give up!

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