video game or bicycles?

2016-01-06 2:50 pm
i want to buy a console or a bicycle. if i buy a console it would be my first console. which is better a gear bicycle or a video game console(ps2)

回答 (5)

2016-01-06 6:24 pm
Console. Bikes are dangerous. Plus video games are way better. If you get the PS2 you should get the Parappa the Rapper 2 game for it, just a recommendation.
2016-01-06 5:07 pm
Since this is going to be your first console, I suggest going with the bike instead. If you're over 13 and haven't had a console yet, then you're probably not going to enjoy the console very much.
2016-01-06 4:59 pm
Wouldn't it kind of depend on where you live.

If you live in Boston then get a console. Boston is supposed to be eco friendly but crazy drivers and bikers don't get along. Where I work there's been several people who were killed while biking.

Winter is also coming so it's going to be tough to bike when the streets are filled with snow.
2016-01-06 3:05 pm
if you like to ride around a lot, just get a bike. it will keep you healthier to riding that everyday instead of sitting in front of a console every day.
2016-01-06 2:58 pm
go with the bike, ps2's are practically obsolete now

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:12:25
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