video game or bicycles?
i want to buy a console or a bicycle. if i buy a console it would be my first console. which is better a gear bicycle or a video game console(ps2)
回答 (5)
Console. Bikes are dangerous. Plus video games are way better. If you get the PS2 you should get the Parappa the Rapper 2 game for it, just a recommendation.
Since this is going to be your first console, I suggest going with the bike instead. If you're over 13 and haven't had a console yet, then you're probably not going to enjoy the console very much.
Wouldn't it kind of depend on where you live.
If you live in Boston then get a console. Boston is supposed to be eco friendly but crazy drivers and bikers don't get along. Where I work there's been several people who were killed while biking.
Winter is also coming so it's going to be tough to bike when the streets are filled with snow.
if you like to ride around a lot, just get a bike. it will keep you healthier to riding that everyday instead of sitting in front of a console every day.
go with the bike, ps2's are practically obsolete now
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:12:25
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