How can I get god to answer my prayers?

2016-01-06 1:10 pm
I am just a teenager. But tomorrow there will be winners for the jackpot of 70 million dollars for Tattslotto. I desire to win it, I mean who doesn't want to win the lottery? but I want god to answer my prayers that I want to be the winner.

My dad has been buying lotto tickets for so many years. Ever since I was in primary school. Each year he buys around $1,000-1,500 worth of tickets. I've seen many times where he would just sigh and chuck the ticket into this place. And there is LOTS. There have been times where he would nearly win, just by ONE number off. But I know the lottery is hard to win because it's like probability. Thousands of people in my state buy it and there can be only a few winners.

I've been living in this house for 5 years and my dad has been working nearly every day for my family's living. Without him we would have nothing. My mum didn't work before either because she doesn't know English well and she is just a cleaner, which she doesn't earn much. While my dad is a chef. The pressure is getting more tighter for my dad. I feel like he will have to work forever until he dies. Even he is getting older and tired. My parents still have to deposit a lot of money into our house. We aren't rich, but we work hard.

So I just want to be the winner for tomorrow's 70 million lottery. I am praying a lot to god. I know it might not come true and I know it won't. This is really weird of me. I am just a 15 year old girl living in Australia.


回答 (34)

2016-01-06 6:08 pm
Some say that God answers all prayers, just now with the answer you are expecting.

If everyone who prayed to God for money got it, don't you think we'd all be rich?
2016-01-07 2:46 am
If you re a Christian, that is completely wrong. See in Matthew 6:7-8, the Jesus says "And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

Jesus then says to say the Lord s Prayer instead. So instead of heaping up empty phrases like the Gentiles, pray like Jesus wanted you to pray and THEN your prayers will be answered.
2016-01-06 1:18 pm
I am so sorry as u know wimning is a GAMBLE. I don't know hpw much money he has spent but he has gambled away a lot ofminey that could have been saved up in a bank.

Lotto people count on people like your father. However even they say PLAY RESPONSIBLY. The best thing u can do is cut down on lotto spending.
Ask you father to play responsibly and figyre out how he has spent so far that could have gone in a bsnk account.
2016-01-10 2:46 am
Note: do not read if you have total faith in God and you think he helps you all the time and he is always there for you. My solution on God: God exista but he left us to decide for ouselves, he doesnt influence the world, at least not such in a noticeable way. He left us to live our life as se wish and he will be there when this life ends. Note that actually I believe in everything, I'm no one to say something diesn't exist because I'm not aware of it, I cant tell you Buddha or Allah or Satan or any other God does nit exist. Anyone can think what he wants. Anyway your dad shouldn't spend that much on lottery I dont know how is the living un Australia but 1000-1500 must be a salary or half a salary a month. That money would've been better under the couch. It is to hard to win the lottery it is more possible for a lightning bolt to hit you or a car to hit you than winning it. My parents also play but they only spend 3 euros a week and sometimes not even that. But not as much as your dad.
2016-01-09 11:58 am
God will never answer your prayers if you make sins, try to do good deeds and always ask for whats best for you.
2016-01-09 3:44 am
I believe he will make sure your family is all right. I today had an experience I think with God. I was praying I would do well on my test for school and after I was done I moved my own and ink dripped onto my arm and out of all things formed a smiley face :)
2016-01-08 7:36 pm
Pray for the betterment of others such as helping hungry kids or sick people or those struggling. Selfish prayers don't get higher than the lowest clouds.
2016-01-08 2:40 am
Okay I'm pretty there are a lot of people that want money but unfortunately some want money for their selfish needs. And of course some do not. God is the most kindest person known to man. Think of it this way he is our father and wants the best for us. He wants this world to be less selfish and more giving. Most people these days need money of course but those people have jobs some do not. Next time you see a homeless animal or person why not give a little at least and than when God knows when it's the right time he will give you something in return. Patience is the key to life. See as our lives as a story book we are the main characters and God is the author. When he sees someone follow the right path in life and is patient he will give a happy ending to them if not wait they have to wait their turn. I hope everything goes well with you and your family God bless to one and all
2016-01-11 6:45 am
I heard an official from the Salvation Army say that that God only gives luck to those who help others. I don't know if there's anything to that. The American publication "The National Inquirer' once asked some lottery winners: why do you think you won first prize? They all answered; "We do good deeds."

I've never won first prize in the lottery myself. I have won lots of competitions though. People ask me why I win so many competitions, yet they'e never won one in their life. Well, I have made 145 blood donations, and give five percent of my earnings to charity. The odds are against winning the lottery no matter what you do, but maybe you and your parents should start doing some good deeds. It can't hurt!
2016-01-08 2:03 am
Now look god can't do 9, million thing at a time But look eventually God will make It Come true 😇😇😇😇. God bless U. S. A

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