how do I get popular on youtube?

2016-01-05 6:24 pm

1. i dont sing and 2. i just started

回答 (15)

2016-01-05 6:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Great videos and good communication with fans! Reply to as many comments as possible and post videos that you would enjoy.
2016-01-05 8:15 pm
Create unique content.
Have a decent camera (A cellphone might be ok, as long as it's not too old)
Get a decent microphone. Camera microphones aren't that great
Get good lightning.
Rehearse what you are going to say in the video prior to recording it
Don't say umm too much
Don't make a gaming channel; way too many out there
Use decent video editing software, Don't use Movie maker unless you have no other choice
Focus your channel on a topic. Don't deviate too much from your general topic.
Understand that you're competing against thousands of other people, and not all "make it"
Be prepared to wait a very long time for subscribers/success.
Be prepared for failure

Have fun and best of luck.
2016-01-05 9:35 pm
Don't advertise on other peoples channels. That's rude.

Upload content that people will find interesting.

Try using proper equipment to film, like a real camera. If you can't afford one, using a phone won't mean the end of the world, but don't film vertically. Everyone hates that.

Edit your videos

Don't say mean things about other people. People will find you rude and won't want to sub to you.
2016-01-05 6:34 pm
You don't, the age of flash celebrity ended years ago.
2016-01-10 5:19 pm
Create Unique content, ahoose best tag and description.
2016-01-08 10:33 pm
Make an entertaining video that people will have interests into it.
2016-01-07 6:00 pm
To get more views you can sign up to this website which can get you thousands of views for free its simple just click on the link
2016-01-07 2:00 am
Produce new and innovative content that is interesting and appeals to a wide audience
2016-01-06 8:38 pm
Good editing!
Connect with your subscribers
Have an appealing background
Make sure audio is good
Do fun and different things
Have your own style
Stand out
Have schedule for uploading
2016-01-05 6:25 pm

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