Im really particular about my car, how do I stop my wifes diamond rings from scratching the paint around the door handles?

2016-01-05 10:06 am

回答 (21)

2016-01-06 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try opening the car door for your wife to keep your wide from opening up the door herself :) It's a WIN WIN!!
2016-01-05 11:13 am
be a gentle man and open the door for her. make sure you roll out the red carpet first.
2016-01-05 4:58 pm
You could replace her with a different wife who doesn't wear diamond rings.
2016-01-07 5:25 am
Trade car or wife in on a different one. Or get extras. How many cars or wives is a troll allowed to have?
2016-01-06 2:56 am
Ha ha, silly troll.
2016-01-05 3:51 pm
There are clear paint protection 3M plastic decals that you can put on the vehicle for this purpose. Its the same material that is used for a clear bra no not by women on cars to keep bugs and rocks from damaging the leading edges in front portion of hood, bumper etc.
2016-05-02 7:41 am
"Kayleen", who is your "wife"? Does this smell like TROLL to anyone else?
2016-01-07 11:50 pm
Talk to her. She will understand you if she's even half intelligent. If she doesn't care, either you can adjust how you feel about her, or adjust how you feel about the car. Maybe the best compromise is what a few others suggested, namely the clear plastic protectors. Never let her clean the windows as she will scratch the glass permanently.
2016-01-06 3:06 am
Plastic coating, to reduce the symptoms.


You could deal with the problem.
2016-01-05 6:36 pm
Get a towbar fitted and make her ride in a box trailer...

Or try replacing the diamonds with clear silicone rubber fakes and await divorce papers.
2016-01-05 3:51 pm
Next time buy her fake diamonds.
2016-01-05 1:45 pm
Get divorced.
2016-01-05 10:09 am
You can get clear plastic stickers that go round the handles but I don't like the looks of them. Just ask your wife to be careful when opening door or you won't buy her any more diamonds.
2016-01-07 4:28 pm
Divorce her
2016-01-07 5:12 am
Buy her a car assistant to ope door for her or maybe change the locking mechanism to more electronic button keychange system(you know new cars have key unlockers and even car start) that would be a fanstastic edition.Nowdays shops have keychange car starts and unlocks by a simple button.
2016-01-07 2:16 am
Make her wear gloves
2016-01-05 3:39 pm
Maybe have your wife turn her rings around temporarily so the diamonds are inside her hand.
2016-01-05 2:42 pm
Have her wear gloves you anal retentive twit.
2016-01-05 11:59 am
Buy her her own car.
2016-01-05 11:28 am
Tell her to wear gloves. Or be careful when opening the doors.
參考: My wife leaves the keys in the door so they bang against the paintwork when she SLAMS the door. I think it would get dismissed as justifiable homicide.
2016-01-05 10:08 am
It's probably just a matter of how she opens and close the door. Or is the ring really big? Maybe short handle? I can think of why it's happening but it sounds a little unavoidable unless you wanna put something there but that'll seem a bit dumb too.

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