I'm scared just had sex.. What are the chances of getting pregnant ?

2016-01-05 1:28 am
I had sex last night .. I'm scare it was my first time and yes we used a condom but I haven't taken any pills or anything .. I was doing some research And I found out that rubbing he's penis around my clit can get me pregnant which we did with out a condom .. Also laying down in the speem or something like that? Ill be buying some pills and plan b just in case .. How big are the Chances of getting pregnant ? I'm 20 sorry I'm just not experience

回答 (2)

2016-01-05 1:34 am
If you used a condom and it didn't break you are fine, there is no need for plan B.
2016-01-05 1:34 am
Yeah, I really wouldn't worry about that. The chances of you getting pregnant from that are slim. Very slim. But if you need peace of mind get the morning after pill.

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