What would you do if you won 2 million from the lottery?

2016-01-04 8:07 pm

回答 (48)

2016-01-04 8:10 pm
Move to a different country (I'm Dutch - so a 2 000 000 win would actually only be 1 333 000 or so - dang taxes) with better weather (not as much rain, a bit warmer), more interesting topography (the Netherlands is FLAT and therefore kinda boring, also too dang windy), a lower population density and GOOD BOOKSTORES.

Hmmm .... any good bookstores in Utah?
2016-01-05 12:04 am
Wake up soon afterwards since I would never play it. As we all know, the lottery is a tax on people bad at math.
2016-01-07 4:48 pm
Give 10% as tithe to my church, use some of it to pay off student loans, learn ninjutsu and become a ninja, buy a jet pack and rocket boots, save the rest of the money.
2016-01-06 1:18 pm
If my parents won, first thing they would do it deposit the money for the house I am living for 5 years. They still have a lot of money to make for my house. Dad's a chef and mum is a cleaner, don't earn much. I wish I would win so badly. Dad is suffering very much from work for so many years.

2nd thing, Buy a car

3rd thing, visit china with my fammily to see my grandma, my mum's very sad because she's been sick for a long time. Especially when your mother is so far away appart you and you have not seen her for so long.

4th thing, help my friends

5th thing, help people who need. Honestly I can understand what they are going through.

6th thing, realise that money isn't everything

7th thing, thank god.
2016-01-06 1:48 am
Pay my taxes, buy some stuff I want, donate some, invest the rest. No giving to those that might line up for various reasons. Two million is not that much especially after taxes and if it is less as a lump sum.
2016-01-05 11:29 pm
I would keep it and have it as lifetime savings. it is my money, I won it, and i'm going to be a millionaire living in an apartment, a hipster of the newest unique kind.
2016-01-07 7:12 pm
Stick it in the bank and live off the interest after buying a few things like a new car/truck and have a home built although 2 million these days is nothing go through it pretty quick if you do not spend wisely. These days it has to be like 10million or higher to make a huge change in someones life remember a lot goes to taxes.
2016-01-06 10:05 pm
Invest it by buying 2 million more lottery tickets!
2016-01-05 9:48 pm
Not a whole lot ....2 mill just doesn't go very far in today's economy. Just a normal small house will cost you half a million ...and i do mean normal and small! I would help people with it ...after I invested it and turned it into much more!
2016-01-05 3:05 am
I would take the lump sum, which is usually barely more than half the amount, pay off my brother's house, pay off my mom's house, buy myself a house and a new car, and the rest would go towards plastic surgery and little items here and there I've wanted, like a new TV or Seahawks tickets.

They're so expensive these days. ONE seat to the Brown's game was like $500.

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