What to tell people when they ask why you're vegetarian?

2016-01-04 7:54 pm
Since the holidays, I have been getting many questions from my family and friends as to why I am vegetarian. I typically just avoid the question because I feel like the whole argument just doesn't need to take place. When I don't answer, the person just thinks I'm being rude but I just don't feel comfortable with all the attention. What can I say to get them to leave me alone? I don't question them on what they chose to eat so why am I being subjected to all the questions?!

回答 (34)

2016-01-04 11:37 pm
I just say that I don't feel comfortable eating anything that felt pain and wanted to live. Or that I love animals too much to eat them.
2016-01-04 11:31 pm
"I don't like eating dead bodies."

If they keep prodding, I like to turn the tables and ask them why they don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc. It's easy sailing after that.
2016-01-04 7:57 pm
Just say it's a personal choice.
2016-01-04 7:58 pm
I don't believe you. I was a vegetarian for years and no one ever asked me questions. If you don't act weird about it, there's no reason to ask.
2016-01-04 8:16 pm
There is no standard "vegetarian" answer to this question. Your choices are to tell the truth, tell a lie, or don't give a reason at all.
For starters, you could simply tell people why you are a vegetarian. If you feel that your reasons are offensive to others, or embarrassing to you, you could simply lie or make up a vague reason; for example, tell them you simply no longer like meat.
If neither of these solutions are acceptable, tell people that it's none of their business. Or shrug your shoulders and walk away.

You might come up with your best answer, though, if you didn't view doing so as an "argument".
2016-01-04 9:23 pm
What to tell people when asks?
Well, after 30 years living happy and healthily on a Paleo diet - I just say works for me
So just say your personal choice and it's works for you
2016-01-04 8:58 pm
You can say "It's just a personal choice" and change the subject to something else.
2016-01-04 8:57 pm
Well I'm not, but if I was................

"because I have a choice, and that is what I choose!" would be my standard answer. If they want to argue, I would point to a wall, a pole, or even the ceiling and say "argue with that all you want, it has no choice" and walk away. They will get the message.
2016-01-05 1:54 pm
Just say them that I love vegetables.
2016-01-04 8:24 pm
tell them why or just say it's because you don't like eating meat.
2016-01-04 8:17 pm
If you really don't feel like discussing the matter, then just be honest. Tell them that you have your reasons and you don't feel like discussing them at that time. You could also just be honest and tell them why you are a vegetarian. If they try to start an argument about it, then you can tell them that you don't feel like arguing and walk away. Your choice is your choice and you shouldn't have to defend it.
2016-01-04 9:06 pm
Explain your reason and/or tell them to mind their own business.
2016-01-05 4:07 pm
Vegetable helps to live a healthy life.
2016-01-05 10:04 am
simply tell them that's the kind of food you enjoy most and it's no big deal.
2016-01-05 1:28 am
Just say 'sorry, I don'e eat meat. I'm a vegetarian'
2016-01-05 1:19 am
Tell them the truth. Why wouldn't you? If they are sensitive and don't like what you have to say then that's their own problem. There shouldn't be an argument if they respect your choice.
2016-01-04 9:58 pm
Just say, "It's the right choice for me because I feel better physically and emotionally". Hard to argue with that :)
2016-01-04 9:52 pm
Give a very brief version of why you decided. One sentence. "I decided to be vegetarian for religious reasons". Never make it about them. Never phrase it in a way that is open to objections.
2016-01-04 8:48 pm
Collen Patrick Geaudreax (sp) answers this question in a blog and a podcast... let me see if i can find the link. ...I think this is it
2016-01-04 8:26 pm
People are just trying to make conversation. You think they are REALLY interested in why you;re vegetarian? Not. Particularly during the holidays, when we see people we may be related to but don't really know that well, things like this just give them something to talk about. That's what I do with family I am supposed to be close to but really don't know **** about their lives at all. I just make conversation. The best way to make conversation is to ask someone about themselves. Everyone usually loves to talk about themselves. So, it's not necessarily that they really care.
2016-01-05 7:03 pm
Its natural reaction. Food is perceived as a very personal thing so vegetarianism is seen as an oddity. Also human beings allow themselves to continue with what they are doing on moral justification - no one wants to feel like a bad person so we justify what we do. many people who eat meat tend to work on the justification that meat is a necessity, so a vegetarian is living proof that it is not and so makes the question themselves. And any time anyone questions themselves they question others to to gain a better understanding of what is going on. They are finding out more about themselves by questioning you about it.
What does annoy me is when they question me like I am doing something wrong to them by not eating meat despite them bringing the conversation up.
2016-01-05 1:43 am
no need to be rude by not answering but also no need to drone on and on or argue.
think up a simple answer, like Because I felt like it. or Wanted to try something new.
After that if there are any questions, field them as gently as possible. if it looks like an argument brewing, stand up, say, I gotta pee and leave the room.
2016-01-04 11:56 pm
No.... Oh, wait...are you a vegetarian? Then tell them "...I am a vegetarian...and I'm sticking to my story...!"
2016-01-04 10:22 pm
That meat is cruel
2016-01-04 8:18 pm
Well you could say "why are you NOT a vegetarian?".
"because I wouldn’t like to kill an animal, and it doesn’t make sense to me to have someone else do it for me.”
2016-01-07 2:51 pm
People are concerned about your health and overall well-being as well as the well-being of others. So be honest, just say that you do it to fit in with your 'friends' (which is what I assume to be the reason you're a vegetarian). And if they start giving you the speech that you can be yourself and they'll accept you and blah blah then just say that they're not like that and that's all. Just that you would not fit in if you weren't doing what they want you to do.
2016-01-07 11:15 am
I don't like eating something with a face.
2016-01-07 10:12 am
you could say you just don't like meat, or you are a strong believer against animal cruelty.
Also, you could say that you're on a diet because you want to be more healthy. Being a vegetarian is your choice, and if they keep pestering you about it just say, "I chose to become a vegetarian" or say that you're uncomfortable with them bringing up your lifestyle choices if none of the above work out for you. Hope this helps!
2016-01-06 7:33 am
Your life. Your body. Your choice.
2016-01-06 12:40 am
You love it.
2016-01-05 9:45 pm
Tell them that is a personal question, and then ask them why they need to know. And use *need*, not want.
2016-01-05 6:26 pm
" I used to be fat, lol. "
2016-01-05 9:22 am
I usually say I just don't like meat or it makes my stomach hurt (even though it's not true)
The actual reason I don't eat meat is because it makes me feel bad and I don't know where it comes from, but when I tell people that they get mad and try to argue like it's gonna change something :/
You could also say it's because your doctor made you or something, or you're trying to eat healthier. You could play it by the mysterious route like "not since the accident..." or just look off into the distance solemnly.
Just remember though that it's your personal decision and you're under no obligation to explain yourself and your choice of lifestyle.
2016-01-04 9:59 pm
they them why be honest.

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