Does this sound like diabetes?

2016-01-04 3:14 pm
Im 14 (not overweight im 5'7" and weigh 130lb) and lately ive been feeling really dizzy. Sometimes after eating meals is when its at its worst. I also pee a lot and am very thirsty. Last night i woke up and felt shaky, dizzy, disoriented, and scared. Does this sound like diabetes?

回答 (18)

2016-09-16 1:45 am
參考: 30 Days Diabetes Cure :
2016-03-21 4:46 pm
2016-03-21 4:13 pm
2016-02-14 1:12 am
Shocking New Diabetes Research Revealed :
2016-01-09 1:41 am
You need to go to the doctor and get a blood glucose test done which is were the doctor will prick the tip of your finger with a tiny needle (it only nips it, it doesn't hurt) and will insert a droplet of your blood into a glucose machine and it will give him/her a numerical reading in mmol/l or mg/l of how much glucose is in your blood stream and that will determine whether or not you have diabetes.
2016-01-08 5:42 am
The only way to find out is to get your blood test and they will check for AC1 test and let you know if you're type 1 or type 2 diabetic.
2016-01-07 2:18 am
do not listen to these people, they do not know what they are talking about, go to your doctor and have them check your blood sugar for a period of time and also do a A1C test too randomly for a period of time, and then ask for a oral sugar test where they give you sugar water to drink and check your blood after that, there are more test like that you should also have to talk

if any of these sugar test numbers are high then you do have diabetes however you can also check thyroid function and insulin production and a few other test, talk to your doctor to verify
2016-01-06 9:03 am
1. For your height of 5.7 your weight is norml -67Kgs].
2. Diabetes* causes-- Binge eating with no physical activity & hypothyroid leads to excessive accumulation of blood glucose in the human body. Excessive glucose is converted into fat and stored in the abdomen, thighs, waist, chest, arms, hands and legs. In the absence of space, it gets discharged through urine---Diabetes.V elvety plaques in the neck and/or armpit suggest diabetes
Real Symptoms of Diabetes:
. Sudden loss of weight, heavy loss of stamina, getting tired very fast, Severe pain in calf muscles [below knee joints], reeling sensation after heavy lunch/dinner, obesity, unhealed wounds/injuries/gum infections, excessive thirst/hunger, excessive urination [diabetes insipidus], blurred vision, chronic itching. frequent burning sensation/numbness in hands/legs, headaches, sexual dysfunctions, and above all tensions add to the chief symptoms of diabetes. Velvety plaques in the neck and/or armpit suggest diabetes
• But, don't worry. See a doctor at once.
Women: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Pregnancy,

• Type-2 diabetes means----pancreas is working to some extent.
Type-1 diabetes means----total failure of pancreas to produce insulin. Chronic Itching is one of the prime symptoms of diabetes. In our clinic, I have seen diabetics with similar symptoms and the least age is 30 years. In a survey conducted recently, amongst school boys/girls up to X standard, in coastal Andhra districts, they have 2 crore diabetes victims.
7. Youth like you must live full 100 years with perfect health.
8. If you can have sufficient through yoga, study well after cure and full diet restrictions, youcan s well lead a very normal life. It applies every diabetic victim running to millions of patients in India. You are not alone.

Tests to diagnose---RBS,FBS, PLBS and Urine test.
Normal range: RBS - 70-130mg/dl FBS - 70-115mg/dl PLBSPPBS-70-140mg/dl

R B S - Random blood Sugar test, is also common to monitor blood glucose levels. In this case, the blood sample can be taken at any time irrespective of the consumption of food.
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

R.B.S. 140-180 Sugarfite & 1 Cap in the morning & evening empty stomach.
Triphala Tab & 2 Caps twice a day after meals.
R.B.S. 180-250 Sugar Ease & 2 Caps morning & evening empty stomach.
Sugafite & 1 Cap twice a day after meals
R.B.S. 250 to above Sugar Ease & 2 Caps in the morning, afternoon & evening empty stomach.
Sugafite & 1 Cap twice a day after meals.

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2016-01-06 6:28 am
You need to go to the doctor so you can have a urine done on you so they can check your keytones, sugar, white blood cells or to see if you have a UTI. Although what you're describing could be diabetes, it could be several things.
2016-01-06 6:13 am
You need to go to the doctor so you can have a urine done on you so they can check your keytones, sugar, white blood cells or to see if you have a UTI. Although what you're describing could be diabetes, it could be several things. Could he heart trouble, diabetes, UTI, anxiety, etc..
2016-01-06 12:13 am
Those are the symptoms of
Diabetes gbecause I had the same symptoms 10 years ago
2016-01-05 11:43 pm
it actually sounds more like heart disease to me!!
2016-01-05 12:06 pm
My honest answer is that I don't know. You need to go to the doctor and get a blood glucose test done which is were the doctor will prick the tip of your finger with a tiny needle (it only nips it, it doesn't hurt) and will insert a droplet of your blood into a glucose machine and it will give him/her a numerical reading in mmol/l or mg/l of how much glucose is in your blood stream and that will determine whether or not you have diabetes. Please see a doctor.
2016-01-05 8:06 am
These are symptoms that should be seen by a doctor in order for you to get a real answer. All we can do is guess.
2016-01-04 3:27 pm
It would be advisable to see a doctor for tests.
2016-01-04 3:15 pm
No more like the Winter Viruses that are going around.
2016-01-04 3:18 pm
Mainly the peeing and thirst. But not so much the other stuff. Unless you're having lows. How has your vision been lately? Blurred vision is another symptom.
2016-01-04 3:17 pm
Although it sounds like Diabetes, I highly doubt it is. Since I don't know how long you've been feeling like this, I cant say for sure. If you have any other concerns, go see you doctor. Diabetes usually takes years to develop, so I wouldn't worry, just be mindful of what you eat! :)

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