Submersible pump trips circuit breaker shuts off?

2016-01-03 11:11 pm
My submersible pump runs 30 seconds then trips the GFI receptacle. I ran an extension cord into a normal outlet and the pump ran well for 4 hours. Do submersible pumps dislike Ground Fault Interrupt circuits? I tried a different pump at another location and found it too would trip the GFI.

回答 (5)

2016-01-04 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I had to rewire the circuit for my sump pump to take the GFI out of the circuit. It would infrequently trip and I was afraid it would trip during a time that I needed the pump. I remember reading something at that time (a few years ago) that recommended that sump pumps not have GFI's in the circuit.
2016-01-04 3:20 am
I have had this problem even with a brand new pump. My solution was to take out the GFCI outlet for the pump and put in a regular outlet. No more trips and after 4 years, no one has ever gotten shocked from it!
2016-01-04 2:11 am
Do submersible pumps dislike Ground Fault Interrupt circuits?
Actually, it is the opposite. Ground Fault Circuits don't like pumps. You need to eliminate the GFCI from the circuit used by the pump.
2016-01-04 12:49 am
Either the GFI is bad or the pump has started leaking internally and is bad.
2016-01-03 11:17 pm
Possible the gfi is faulty. Try a new receptacle

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