What's the meaning in life?

2016-01-03 8:12 pm
No, I'm not suicidal. I just think life is pointless. I'm 14. I just really want someone to explain what's the point of life? All you do is school, work then die. Yes I have days where I appreciate how beautiful the world is but then other days I'm just like screw it. I'm an athiest, call me crazy, but it is my own opinion. A lot of bad things wouldnt happen. And everything just seems like a myth about jesus coming back alive and the moasis thing and just all of that seems like a lie. I think its just to help "bring'" the world togther. Like how we have "santa clause" the "easter bunny" and etc. My mom passed about 9 months ago. My ex's would say to me no mamma drama or you should be barried like your worthless piece of trash mom. One ex did this then he became friends with my other ex and got him doing it. They finally stopped. I just think this generation is stupid. There are adults who are just pathetic. Some adults don't even do anything about bullying anymore. Two kids from my highschool just passed bc flooding. And if there was truly a god I think some things like that wouldnt happen. People shouldn't get cancer (no one in my family has had cancer but for the others out there). Well I think I'm not depressed but I'm defiantly not happy neither. What should I do about it? I just don't get the point of anything anymore.. I strive to have a great future, I want to be a lawyer. My dad and my future is the only thing keeping me going. But sometimes I second guess that..

回答 (18)

2016-01-06 7:32 am
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I'm 16, and before I begin, I have to admit your question reminds me of myself when I was your age to the tee : )
When I was about 14, things started to appear in a way they never had before. I was never religious, but now atheism seemed more obvious than ever to me. The whole idea of a God seemed so distant now. Because I now fully believed in atheism, the idea of an afterlife vanished, thus initiating the lack of reason towards life. If we live to inevitably die, and death is just nothing, then what matter is it to life? The most common answer I get is "to have fun and make the most of it." But they don't get it, they don't understand the enormous lack of reasoning behind that statement. It. an endless 'Why?' challenging theories to life, all of which eventually end in an unsatisfying answer. It doesnt make sense, and I just want you to know how you feel and I know how confusing it can be and how nobody feels like you do. You have a brilliant perspective, take advantage of it
參考: (Cont. bc I have a habit of writing novels, sorry!) You just lost your mom, and that's something not a lot of people have to go through this young. I wish you the best of hope in finding peace with that, it's hard and I hope you have support irl. Going off from this, something like that can make you feel and think in ways that you never had before. This can be why you feel so bland or empty. It's normal and you're allowed to feel this way for however long you need to. But I can promise you sometimes time really is the only thing that can give you the support you need to keep going. When something like thus happens it can change your view on life and death because it affects you so personally and emotionally and you become a lot more aware and curious to things you wouldnt have been before.
2016-01-06 6:11 am
It sounds like you're going through an existential crisis. I had several when I was 14 too and it does makes it a little worse since we both didn't have religion to fall back on. But now that I'm 18 I've accepted that there isn't some divine meaning for life but there's still so many good things in the world that you can do for yourself and other people/animals. Life is what you make of it and being atheists we both know this is the only life we get, so make the most of it.
2016-01-05 10:35 pm
First tings first. You won't be able to swallow this at 14, but you have no idea about anything at your age. Your sense of morality and justice and how the real world works are all based on YOU, not the reality that you will discover as you grow up. This is not an insult or slight, just how it is. I have been there, and I am a completely different person than I was at 14.

Second, understanding religion, and especially grasping the concept of FAITH, is something that takes a lifetime for most people. Be atheist if you wish, but you will have a harder time determining true right vs. wrong unless you begin with a strong moral compass. Religion is a great way to keep yourself on the right path. It sounds like your family and especially the boys you choose to date do not have your best interests at heart. Dating seriously is something that your dad should not allow you to do at your age, so you may need to seek out better role models outside of your family.

To address your opinion that no one should get cancer, an atheist usually believes in only what they can see, so why would humanity be any different than the animal world? "Bad" things happen all throughout nature. This is the natural order.

On the other hand, those who believe in a god understand that bad things are allowed to happen on earth by god because humans were created with free will. Free will allows us to sin whenever we want and sin is the reason for death and pain and war. This is basic Adam and Eve stuff.

If you want to understand the world and find a purpose and reason for your existence, you will need to begin a few decades of personal education. You will need to explore philosophy, science, literature and religion and decipher the truth for yourself.

Personally, I believe in God and try to live according to His rules. I know I am a better, happier person and a better wife and mother when I do, but I am still a deeply sinful person. Not illegally sinful, but morally I'm a shambles. It is a daily struggle to do what is right for everyone in this world, and religion has been the one thing that helps me most. Many can make good choices without a rule book, but many more cannot.

The important thing is that you are already asking these questions and know deep down that something is missing. I kind of envy you. The journey you are on is long, difficult and frustration at times but such a joy too. Purpose CAN be found, if you will take the time to find it.

Good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.
2016-01-03 8:26 pm
at 14 the meaning of life is to get through puberty. once you've done that don't believe anybody if they try to tell you the meaning of life
2016-01-05 12:46 am
Enjoy the moments that we have with our friends and family; appreciating what we have, not what we don't. Pause daily from the craziness and look, listen and feel nature at its best. Do your best to be the best person you can be; lead or follow in action for a better today and tomorrow. Our future is in all our hands.

United States Marine
2016-01-03 8:17 pm
The things I enjoy are being with friends and family. When you're having a problem like this just realize that it's just a phase and your mind will change. Everyone's minds change over time.
2016-01-05 4:37 pm
Make the most out of each day. Every day is a gift. Stay positive and be optimistic. Believe in yourself and love yourself. If you don't work on you, then how can you be good to anyone else? Give love be kind. Help when you can. Don't judge. Be a role model. The true meaning of life is to be a light, a light of God. God is everything.
2016-01-06 4:04 pm
The way I see it is, your young, and yes you still have allot to learn, but people need to stop worrying about death, and what happens after death, and start worrying about living. There may be a heaven and a hell, but there also may just be nothing, we die and that s just the end. There is not a single living man or woman who knows for sure what happens after death, only the dead know, and they aren t talking. So you shouldn t be worried about what s going to happen when you die, and just enjoy how much or how little time you have on this earth, because no one is making it out of here alive.
2016-01-05 12:41 pm
The meaning of life is to study and learn that something invisible built this planet and everything in it, SOMEHOW? And "you" want whomever, or, whatever on "your" side? So you learn pleasing a human leads to failure? It may take ten years to learn that or more, or less? Like a man has a girl treating him like a King, he loses his legs in an accident, a year later she cheats on him, blames him, then leaves him? This happens all the time but if a child is not taught to make Jesus, or a Good God, his/her first love by its parents they will subconsciously seek love and mistake lust for love?
2016-01-05 6:13 pm

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