I think my water broke tmi help !!?

2016-01-03 7:45 pm
This is a little tmi but last night my bf was giving me head and next thing I know It felt like I peed down my back.. It flowed out like I was peeing but it was not pee. I know woman can get really wet when pregnant but it wasn't thick it was clear odorless and like water I really thought I peed. Then we had sex and after that I had contractions every hr and could not sleep till about 8am then I slept from 8-11 and was fine before 8 the contractions would wake me up its now 3pm and I'm worried if I should go to the hospital or nor ?

回答 (6)

2016-01-03 8:57 pm
What did the doctor say when you called?
2016-01-03 8:52 pm
its urine, happened to me when i was pregnant too. did it leak out for quiet awhile. when it happened to me i went to the hospital also thinking my waters had broken. when your waters break its a lot warmer and it is a rush of fluid, also you lose a mucous membrane which you would clearly see.
2016-01-03 7:50 pm
If you are concerned about the possibility of your water breaking, you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible.
2016-01-03 9:42 pm
You thought your water broke so you decided to have sex anyway? Then wait until the next day to call upon internet users to guide you instead of your OBGYN?

Expecting 3rd
2016-01-03 8:16 pm
Fsee your doctor
2016-01-03 8:37 pm
Hey I'm Kim I'm a midwife I'll help you to know if your water did break or not please email me at [email protected] I'll be able to help you know for sure

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