What's it called when you hate the idea of love? And is it OK to be single the rest of your life?

2016-01-03 8:46 am

回答 (3)

2016-01-03 8:48 am
Asexual I think?
2016-01-03 9:50 am
I don't want to be single for the rest of my life , but I'm not gonna live my life worried about it either, I feel I'll meet the one as they say . but if I don't I'm not gonna panic and sh# t
2016-01-03 9:03 am
there's going to be some point where you will feel lonely seeing your friends spend time with their family. Humans are social creatures, i dont know why you hate the idea of love and im guessing you're scared of falling in love because of what you see from other relationships? I get that u hate the idea of love but love is a very general thing, we dont want our friends to die rigt? that's because we love them. Dont close your mind from the idea of love just because of an event that happened before, if it comes accept it and if it doesn't then thats ok too

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