Would you vote for Donald Trump?

2016-01-03 7:55 am

回答 (12)

2016-01-03 8:01 am
I *would have*..................if he wasn't a Birther Moron..................but that stupidity cost him my vote.
2016-01-03 7:56 am
2016-01-03 8:05 am
Hell no. He's scum.
2016-01-03 7:58 am
Yep, i'd fukka vote 4 him 2 make America great again
2016-01-03 7:55 am
I'm voting for the Bern.
2016-01-03 7:56 am
Not even if they paid me.
2016-08-22 7:25 pm
This is a good question, and one that intrigued me for quite a while.
2016-01-21 1:06 pm
I ask, What Candidate has every thing to lose and nothing to gain ?
Donald Trump for President. He is not taken a penny from any super pac(every other canidate has taken millions) He has lost millions of dollars already just to run for President (every other candidate has more than they started with) He will get paid less than he already makes.( every other candidate will make more than they make now). This man Honestly just wants to make America Great Again.
He has my vote
2016-01-03 6:55 pm
If we were voting on who to fire out of a cannon into the sun.
2016-01-03 1:39 pm
2016-01-03 7:57 am
2016-01-03 7:57 am
No, the Donald wouldn't get my vote. Come to think of it, nobody running would get my vote at this point.

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