WHY is there conflict between CREATION and Evolution? DOESN'T Creation provide material FOR Evolving?

2016-01-03 6:21 am

回答 (24)

2016-01-03 6:41 am
There is a very fundamental conflict. Creationism relies on magical thinking, and evolution on evidence-based thinking. Creationism holds that all species were created separately more or less in the same form they are now, with very little change, evolution holds that all life evolved from a common ancestor. No magic involved.
2016-01-03 6:23 am
The word "creation" has several different definitions.
If you mean a process whereby a being with an agenda made the universe then, there is no evidence for such a being or that the universe was "made".

Biological evolution is not related to a possible origin of the universe or even to the origin of life.
The process of biological evolution is how populations of already existing life forms change over generations.
2016-01-03 6:23 am
Because the two concepts, one a field of well tested science (Evolution) and the other a factless fantasy (Creationism) are utterly incompatible.

No, it doesn't. Read a book that doesn't come with crayons.
2016-01-03 6:28 am
First of all, evolution doesn't work as a theory unless the earth is millions of years old. Hundreds of millions of years! So the earth has to be more than 6000 years old.

Secondly, if species evolved after God created the earth it would mean that creation as not -complete-. A literal interpretation of Genesis doesn't allow that. EVERY species was made by God during those first 6 days, and EVERY species was with Noah on the Ark.

And overall, Christians who believe that ALL knowledge is found in the Bible get upset when science learns NEW things, suggesting that the Bible doesn't contain ALL knowledge but there are still things to be learned. The Bible is 'complete'. Scientific knowledge never will be.

Years ago, creationists also insisted that species couldn't go extinct! If the 1840s-50s when they started digging up dinosaur bones, they had to let go of that idea. (When Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase and find routes to the Pacific, he hoped they might find herds of mastodons roaming the plains! He talked about it more than once!)
2016-01-03 6:22 am
Evolution also is true, and since it takes a hell of a lot time there is no space for your psuedo-science bullshit.
2016-01-03 6:26 am
because evolution never occurred
2016-01-03 8:26 am
The 'conflict' comes from narrow mindedness and ignorance of egotistic positions that cannot see the obvious because it prefers being "right" over accepting "Truth." Creation without evolution would mean everything would remain as it was the instant it was created. Evolution without creation means there wouldn't be anything to evolve from and to. Just as every incremental stage of evolution signifies the 'creation' of new form, the creation of a new form denotes the evolution of the next stage. Both creation and evolution are continuous and ongoing, and are just different terms to describe what the mind's perception see's as "linear change" in sequential observation, which pertains to material realm of form and content.

The mind presumes everything is subject to transience and inherently comes with a "beginning" and "end", and what seems to the mind perception as creation and evolution, as it sequentially observes a 'this' becoming a 'that', is actually formless, nonlinear potential fulfilling itself and emerging as the actual, when conditions are optimal. Energy and matter are immutable and permanent, it is form as 'this' or 'that' which comes and goes. You can use God or the Laws of Physics to explain it, but it all comes to the same conclusion. The world of material form 'appears' to be expressed as variety and diversity, but in 'essence' everything shares the same Divine or Cosmic Quality, within the omnipresence of the totality of all of existence.
2016-01-03 7:44 am
Evolution does not equate to creationism. Creationism is a made up claim by religion and not accepted by science.
2016-01-03 6:31 am
DNA indicates that humans are more closely related to bonobos chimps, than chimps are related to gorillas.

Bible reports that Adam was not made from DNA of some ancestor common to all primate species, but from dust.
2016-01-03 8:00 pm
creationism gives the expression ....that because life exists, a god created it and is still creating it. this is pseudo-reasoning, or deterministic thinking.
according to most explanations: first, it is possible that a supernatural reality and this reality are the same one; secondly, that the supernatural reality exists separate from this one, but really exists; thirdly, that god is a spiritual place in our minds, and it is real, so when we believe in this spiritual place, then we see it is real; lastly, it says that creationism is religion, and god is religion, so creationism is real.
this is one of many creation myths, and is not a real science.***
if creation were real, then you could build a real-spaceship with it, and simply fly back to heaven.
there is no gestalt in this multiple dimension thinking that matches a reality. like carl jung says: god exists as a subjective reality in your mind; but it does not exist as objective reality.

***the imposition of religious creationist belief on a multi-ethnic, secular student body is violating the law that prohibits the creation of a state religion. http://www.livescience.com/11316-top-10-intelligent-designs-

Top 10 Intelligent Designs / Creation Myths
01.] The Genesis of the Judeo-Christian and Islamic Faiths
02.] The Greeks and the Titans
03.] Hindu Cosmology's Rendezvous with Brahma
04.] Japan, this Island Earth
05.] China, the Middle Kingdom
06.] Mexico , The Aztecs
07.] Spirits of Ancient Egypt
08.] By the Rivers of Babylon
09.] Zoroastrianism, the Religion of Ancient Persia
10.] Hammer of the Gods: Norse Mythology
2016-01-03 5:52 pm
created is see re ated all the way to see are eated just as Table is cross a belly on both sides and holy bible is wholly by belly.
2016-01-03 3:21 pm
Possible, but we have proven evolution no one has yet to prove creation in any manner.
2016-01-03 11:27 am
Evolution explains how the physical world was created.With no god.Creationism is more of the spiritual realm.Things like believing in angels and ghosts.God created.Spoke into being by his spirit.
2016-01-03 10:19 am
Science explains the big bang was not from nothing but from a singularity that was all the matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single point that then expanded rapidly!

So it was always here!

But why are Christians always claiming the big bang came from nothing? Are they that ignorant? Did they sleep through school or is it that they know the truth but think they can twist it because everyone is gullible?!

Claiming something cannot come from nothing argues not against the big bang but against creationists claims!

Recent research suggests the universe has contracted into a singularity and then expanded a number of times!
2016-01-03 8:56 am
Not if you believe "creation" is simply the beginning of the universe, and its natural laws.

Of course, evolution doesn't require "creation," so there's no need to arbitrarily add it in. But it doesn't necessarily conflict.
2016-01-03 8:32 am
Actually it does not for the accepted concept of "creation" requires an intelligence for it to occur where creation itself is spontaneous in nature. One would need to clarify which version of "creation" they are addressing.
2016-01-03 8:27 am
no proof all life evolved from a single source, in fact the evidence points towards all phylum appearing at once
2016-01-03 7:46 am
I think the conflict is between creationISM, which wants to prove Adam and Eve, and evolution. If you suggest one can believe in both God and evolution, you must be correct since that is, I believe, the common position.
2016-01-03 7:05 am
Evolution is another word for adapting. Micro evolution is true for all species that exist in on earth. Therefore a lion in the Garden of Eden is the same as it is in our day now. See link below.
2016-01-03 6:41 am
Sure. Evolution seems the reality that Biblical creation stories speak of figuratively. To me, it confirms the conviction of Biblical authors that God's love is the underlying creative capacity of universe, and still creating, evolutionarily, today. I could convey specifics of relativity and associatively cognizant awareness, but God and evolution are rich conventional identifications of the miraculousness we live and live in.
2016-01-03 6:37 am
Maybe God either formed evolution or evolution is a hoax?
2016-01-03 6:25 am
The conflict is only in the minds of a few fundies on the lunatic fringes of Christianity etc.
2016-01-03 8:42 am
Because all of the Atheists out there make up any story they can to avoid using God in their vocabulary. Evolution has been disproven for many years. As a matter of fact, when Darwin passed away, his successor did multiple tests and theories to prove him right and ended up proving him wrong. The theory of evolution is simply a man made theory to try and figure out how we could be here without God. So they attempted again to prove it using "Ape Girl" which was a fail again on the part of the non believers as she was proven to be nothing more than just that, an ape. The fossil record is often praised by non believers who obviously haven't studied any of it. The fossil record did not show evolution at all, what it did show is that there was a species of fish and then that became a little bit of a bigger fish and so on, it doesn't show any kind of real evolution. Also, evolution has never been witnessed by anyone making it completely invalid. Creation is and always will be the only reason that we are here and who we are today. So sad for the Atheists, keep trying though lol
2016-01-03 6:27 am
There isn't any conflict.

Evolution presents the way things materialize, while Creation points to the Source of that.

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