Question for Christians?

2016-01-03 3:00 am
I don't mean to be offensive, but why is it that a Christian doesn't feel the need to force their religion on someone who is already religious, a Muslim for example. Yet Christians feel the need to force their religions upon those who aren't religious. Like me for example, I still have beliefs, why don't Christians respect that when they can respect another religious believers opinions?

回答 (9)

2016-01-03 3:01 am
im not forcing anything .. your the one in a religious section lol .. give your life to Christ, you wont regret it ..
2016-01-03 3:02 am
diseased sociopaths want everyone to be infected like they are.......
2016-01-03 3:02 am
It is impossible to force one's religion on anyone, but Christians are called to share the truth with anyone who doesn't have it, whether they are members of false religions or no religion at all.
2016-01-03 4:00 am
They think their God is going to condemn you to hell for not believing in blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. They do it because they care about you, obviously more than their concept of God does.
2016-01-03 3:08 am
Maybe because they feel that atheists are a higher priority than those of other religions.

Seriously though, there are so many people who freak out at the concept of not believing in a god.
2016-01-03 6:16 am
we don't force are religion on any one. we ask people to come to the salvation of god
2016-01-03 3:44 am
I don't because I don't want an argument, I don't want to come across as rude, and I'm also too shy,
2016-01-03 3:07 am
This reason being is that people often do not want to argue with someone if they have a potential to lose points or simply just be in the act of having a disagreement. The Christian philosophy is that people who are religious in heart can reach out to God, and because of the philosophy of original sin, they see people classified in society as "unreligious" and cast judgement upon them.

The sad thing is not only that an individual must open themselves up to God, either themselves or by the Gospel being preached peacefully, but many people who claim to be Christians call someone unrighteous just based off of what they see. They do not have "ears to hear" neither "eyes to perceive," and this is unrighteousness itself.

Best wishes to you.
2016-01-03 3:14 am
I only respect beliefs that are based on truth. What philosophical grounding do your beliefs have? Materialism is sinking sand.
參考: Bible

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