Do Christians believe that people are superior to animals?

2016-01-03 2:25 am
If so, why????? How???

There are a lot of angry Christians on this site.....

回答 (10)

2016-01-03 2:30 am
humans were made in God's image.
We did not evolve from bacteria.
Evolutionism is why Atheists are immoral.
2016-01-03 2:29 am
Yes because people were made "magically". Now I think about it they believe animals were made "magically" as well, even though science has proven that:

a.) There is no such thing as magic.

b.) There is more evidence to support evolution than any other theory to include gravity.

Most Christians can't grasp that evolution has created a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY. Everything from more powerful flu shots, vaccines, to even the GMO foods they eat were not developed via the blood of Christ but were created through our understanding of evolution.
Here's a brain-twister: Christian creationists will acknowledge that people are mammals, but they will deny that people are animals.
2016-01-03 2:27 am
Yes, I'm afraid they do. Why? Because they've been told that humans were "created in god's image" and have an immortal soul, which, they say, animals do not. They've also been told that humankind was given "dominion over the earth" by that same god, and that we're therefore better and more important than anything else on the planet. Yes, we understand how unutterably arrogant and pompous that is, but there ya go.
2016-01-03 2:29 am
Most people believe that, Christian or otherwise.
2016-01-03 2:27 am
Well I know I don't act like an ape, but atheists on the other hand, they are slower, weaker, dumber, less fit, less witty, less civilized and mate less than a monkey, and apparently they are more evolved, go figure huh?
2016-01-03 2:44 am
Animal were not given a free will to sin as humans were so humans are superior
2016-01-03 2:42 am
God made us to be His family - His sons and daughters. The bible says to take care of your animals though and that God cares for all His creation - Jesus said our Father God knows even when one little sparrow falls to the ground...even that he clothes the lilies beautifully...but that we're much more valuable to him, so we don't need to worry but can trust Him to be our Daddy and carry all our burdens.
2016-01-03 2:35 am
Was Shakespeare an ape? Was Leonardo da Vinci? Tolstoy? Beethoven? Civilization, for all it's flaws, has provided you with an Internet to communicate. If you think animals are superior just go outside and grunt.
2016-01-03 2:40 am
because animals do not have feelings or emotions or souls they are like robots or grass or gay people and can be exterminated

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