How long did you struggle with the urge to cut?

2016-01-02 11:10 pm
I was a cutter. I say was loosely because I recently relapsed. I was free for almost a year. I'm varry happy now I struggle less with my depression but still find my self wanting to cut my self. This question is for recovered self harmers after the last time you cut or burned your self when did you stop having the urge to hurt your self?

回答 (2)

2016-01-03 12:13 am
Cutting is usually a component of depression. Tell a dr; he/she is the only one who can diagnose and treat you. There are good meds for it, such as Zoloft.
2016-01-02 11:19 pm
I used to cut when i suffered from depression. Now that i have recovered from it all, I still get the urge to cut too. For some reason it felt like pain relief, an addiction, addictions never really go away. Some days I still want that sensation of relief and control over my own pain, to release how I feel inside, but I don't. Because I know that I shouldn't , and that it is wrong. You're not alone in feeling like this. Being involved in self harm at any point in your life no matter what age, will stick with you forever. We can't change the past , and we can't blame ourselves for still feeling like we did. But we no better now not to. That's progress. Recovering from self harm is a very long process. It has no time limit. Its completely reliant on the individual. Relax, you know what is good for you, what you should and shouldn't do.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:12:44
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