Bleeding while pregnant ? Someone Answer ..?

2016-01-02 6:09 pm
I'm not compeltly sure if I'm pregnant , bc I bled for 4 to 5 days lighter than a normal period on the 8th of December it was a day early then my excepted period , mine are usually a lot heavier , I saw online something called ducidual bleeding , I've literally have had every sign of pregnancy , I get nauseous , my breast have literally grown a whole cup size , I'm moody and sad and all I wanna do is sleep , I've had this weird snot like discharge , sometimes it looks white or clear , I've never seen that before either ... I just don't know what's going on , I haven't tested yet ,

回答 (2)

2016-01-02 6:12 pm
It is possible to still have your period while pregnant just not common, it was something that happened to my aunt. You should go to the doctor to find Pitt what's happening for sure
2016-01-02 6:11 pm
That s most likely your period.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:26:07
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