Whose is responsible to the chaos in middle east. Because some one want to secure the power chair but facing it the whole world.?

2016-01-02 9:34 am

回答 (8)

2016-01-02 9:35 am
The arm seller
2016-01-02 1:52 pm
The company now known as British Petroleum and imperial Britain are responsible for the mess we have today.
2016-01-02 12:09 pm
It really dates back to the settlements between the Major Powers after the Great War. Boundaries were drawn in quite an arbitrary fashion and attempts made to impose constitutional frameworks upon the newly formed countries. The situation was exacerbated by the ceding of an area of territory as a homeland for the Jews.
2016-01-02 11:31 am
The current chaos stems from the stupidity of necon foreign policy, which sought to impose US style democracy in countries where it is inherently unworkable. Seeking to benefit their number 1--Israel--neocons like Wolfowitz pressured Bush sr to invade Iraq and try to democratize it. The same mentality led to NATO intervention against Gadhafy in Libya.
Strong men like Saddam and Gadhafy arose in the first place because such leadership is the only workable kind in that part of the world. Once it was toppled the result was horrific mayhem and chaos, utterly ruining Iraq, Syria and Libya.
2016-01-02 11:08 am
Bashar Al Assad
2016-01-02 1:24 pm
Yasser Arafat was the main reason for the chaos in middle east, by refusing to acknowledge the State of Israel.
His PLO terrorism led the Arabs to unite against Israel in both the six day and Yom Kippur wars. Israel's victories led to millions of Arab Palestinians going into exile to Jordan and the Lebanon where they created terrorism and polarised the Muslims against the Christians and that spread into Syria.
2016-01-02 10:17 am
Not "who...." "WHAT...?" WHAT is responsible for the chaos in the Middle East. Islam is responsible for the chaos in the Middle East.
2016-01-02 9:42 am
capitalism money has no heart no feelings no morals the camels are armed and extremely dangerous out there children walking about with Kalashnikovs and mobile phones no shoes and no food no home America in 50 years

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