Are people aware of how poor the American food supply is?

2016-01-02 12:13 am
With GMO food, poor sanitation, and chemicals being added and sprayed on fruits and vegetables before and after harvesting them, it's very alarming. Yet, it goes very unnoticed. For instance, I have mentioned a long time ago before of the quality of wheat flour at your local supermarket, a how the sanitation in the grinding process is very poor. Rat hair, rat feces and insects are being grounded along the wheat because they don't clean the machines that grind the wheat up. Also, maggot eggs, worm eggs and larvae have been found to hatch in not just wheat flour, but other grains such as rice and beans as well. And as for fruits and vegetables, they are usually sprayed with harmful pesticides (such as agent orange, a chemical used for war in Vietnam) has been used as a pesticide as well. Then, they also spray some vegetables with wax to give it a glossy look. Even some fruits like bananas are sprayed with chemical that turns them orange faster, and oranges are being picked at an early stage while still green and is shot with a dye to give them an orange hue. Don't even get me started on the meat. Did you know any meat you buy from the supermarket which is labeled organic is fed from animals fed on GMO corn (corn which has been modified through genetic modification to contain pesticides in the corn's gene pool. That's right folks, it naturally produces chemical which was designed to kill WHOEVER EATS IT).

Also, corn products you eat, such as Fruit Loops and other tiptoes of General Mills cereal use GmO corn for their products as well? All the candy you eat which isn't organic, is made with high fructose corn syrup, and of course 90% of the corn grown in the U.S. Is GMO. Is their a link as too why since the Rise of GMOs, that obesity and other mental health diseases have risen greatly and are increasing fast?


Also, the chemical MSG. Look that up. It's used in almost every processed food you eat, and destroys brain cells. Look it up, as I I'm going on to long with this. Anybody who doesn't believe me, simply do the research yourself. Don't go off all of what I am saying. This is a problem which isn't being addressed, or simply ignored.


At the bananas part, meant to say turn the yellow, not orange.


Also, meant to say any meant which isn't labeled organic. Forgive me for the typos, I type really fast and don't spell check sometimes Lol.


Meat* not meant. Ugh.

回答 (8)

2016-01-02 9:21 am
Well I guess we should all just stop eating then. Last I checked we are eating a lot cleaner than we were 100, 50, or even 20 years ago. The food industry has standards and association's like SQF (Safe Quality Foods), ABI (American Bakers Institute) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and the ultimate authority the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Any one of those violations you mentioned would be cause for a loss of certification as well as a HEFTY FINE. You know the government doesn't pass up on the chance to issue a fine. So maybe you better double check your info and be sure your not talking about China.
2016-01-04 3:06 pm
Most of what you allege is either false or you misunderstand it. On the contrary, the American food supply has never been better or safer.
2016-01-02 3:27 am
I don't know what's so bad about GMO.
So it's genetically modified. Big deal.
The FDA makes sure that the content of rat hair and such isn't extreme, and that shows because people would get sick if they ate raw rat junk, and yet we manage to stay healthy eating regular food.
Our epidemic in America is malnourishment and obesity (and the two can actually happen at the same time), but we've always known that MacDonalds is bad for us. The pop science uses the same terms a lot, but everything is still about fatty meat, sugary drinks, not enough vegetables.
You can live a long time eating regular, non-organic green beans and FDA graded Tyson meat.
People are in trouble just as much because of sedentary lifestyles, the unnaturally high stress lives we often lead because of financial woes, and other life-shortening events like, for example, crashing a motorcycle.

If you want to eat all organic, then I guess that's fine. You're not going to cut out the presence of extra bugs and rodent residue that way though. I used to work on an organic farm. I know the silly-*** methods they use for cleaning their vegetables.
Everything is all things, and we all die. Usually it isn't because of FDA approved food or a little rat guts. Ultimately, it's up to you whether you want to pay extra for organic or buy yourself a gym membership. If you manage your own garden, wake up early for a morning jog, and buy free range eggs, then maybe you can spend that money on an Xbox so you can sit for 5 hours a day and pretend to be a deadly assassin or something.
2016-01-02 12:15 am
People care more about money than others health. Just how it is, sad world we live in.
2016-01-02 2:01 am
I think a lot of people are becoming aware of it. I know many who are changing their diets but you even need to be careful with food labelled as organic, its sometimes a trick. My father always encouraged me to have my own garden and grow my own fruits and vegetables. He said, "Pretend you don't have access to the markets. What would you do? How would you feed yourself? Go from there." I swear if all of sudden we didn't have access to supermarkets and such, my dad would survive just fine. He grows his own fruits and vegetables, hunts and fishes, and he even has a well in our backyard he drinks from. I want to live this way.

I was looking into which regions have the most longevity and I do believe, besides other factors, it's linked to their diets, look at how they eat and live:
2016-01-02 12:45 am
Yes, I am - that's why I bought a 55 acre farm and raise my own chickens, goats, a nice pond full of fish, and a 3 acre vegetable plot, plus 140 fruit trees of different sorts.
2016-01-02 1:13 am
The sad truth is that the major supermarkets have so screwed over the farmers that they make so little profit, if they do, from their produce that they can't afford qualified workers or machinery
2016-01-02 12:21 am
I think people are aware, that's why the mainstream supermarkets were forced to offer organic foods when they started losing market share to Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc. Do you know about carrageenan, carmine, l-cysteine? If not, research them, more disgusting stuff contaminating our food supply, disgusting isn't it!

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