Do you prefer Muslims or Jews?

2015-12-31 10:24 pm
If you had to choose between the two.

回答 (37)

2015-12-31 10:48 pm
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2016-01-01 6:16 am
2015-12-31 10:25 pm
2015-12-31 10:29 pm
I hold Jesus in my heart so Jewish is the way the truth and the life !!!
2015-12-31 10:49 pm
2016-01-02 9:41 am
2016-01-01 4:26 pm
2016-01-01 6:54 am
Ouch. Tough call.

In my experience, Muslims are more religious. They actually try to follow the laws that they are supposed to. But, I have never met any Orthodox Hasidic Jews to compare them to. I'm told that good Muslims are close to what I was raised as, so I may have to favor them. But, I know human nature and that there are good and bad all people, religious or not. To judge all Muslims and all Jews by the few extremists of each group is unfair to them all.
2016-01-01 3:52 am
I really prefer Muslims more than Jews. At least most of them have morals. You should see how extremist Jews in Israel are, that's nothing compared to the majority of the Muslim world.
2016-01-01 12:30 am
2015-12-31 11:01 pm
Damn, that's like asking if I would rather eat rancid meat or rotten eggs: either way I'm gonna puke!
2016-01-01 4:55 pm
2016-01-02 4:27 am
Neither, Because I know that they are of the same origin, So therefore I have no preferences one way or another..................
2015-12-31 10:55 pm
Non Sequitur
2016-01-02 2:18 am
Most folks tend to prefer their own kind, simply because of the comfort level this creates. I'm wondering why you asked this question. The exception might be someone who feels alienated and is seeking relationships outside their own group, looking for acceptance and comfort they don't have with their own people.

I prefer to be with people of all kinds, IF we can communicate, share common values, are on a similar level with education and background, have like interests. And this often leads me right back to my own group.

There is something pleasurable about experiencing different cultures and people from different groups, as well...its mind expanding.

So why did you ask, again?
2015-12-31 10:28 pm
Jews, cuter women too.
2015-12-31 10:26 pm
Equally neither.
2015-12-31 11:03 pm
Neither. They're both delusional like all religious people in all religions.
參考: Atheist.
2016-01-04 5:28 pm
2016-01-04 6:01 am
2016-01-04 1:52 am
2016-01-03 3:55 am
2016-01-01 4:18 pm
Neither all the same.
2016-01-02 11:46 am
Prefer them, for what?
2016-01-01 11:39 pm
I don't like either one. One group controls the government and the other tries to destroy the world.
2016-01-02 1:46 pm
2016-01-01 12:03 pm
Do you mean as a friend? I would welcome both equally. I doesn't matter to me what religion you believe in. That's a personal and private matter.
2016-01-07 3:42 pm
2016-01-05 7:03 pm
2016-01-05 4:21 am
For me it's a toss up between lamingtons and custard tarts.

People are all diverse, even within their chosen belief systems, however the One I worship and the foundation writers and teachers taught by Him were Jews, discipling Christian brothers and sisters who now number millions.
2016-01-04 4:16 am
I prefer the one with 100 French-made atomic bombs
and has developed nuclear bombs independently. It
also was the sole manufacturer of US Armed Forces
M-16 battle rifle ammunition when reserve stocks had
been depleted following 9-11.
2016-01-03 8:20 pm
Grump. I have both among my nieces and nephews and value my family. If I have to choose I will refuse.
2016-01-03 10:57 am
The end of everything
2016-01-03 10:33 am
Neither don't agree with religion.
2016-01-03 3:38 am
Then I simply choose one them by their personalities instead of their religion
2016-01-02 6:07 pm
California Jews.
2016-01-01 6:04 am
I prefer no man. I do not discriminate on basis of religion, color, sexual preference, gender, and so on.....but if i must choose then my answer is as follows:
The choice of Christianity is more in my scope of living and beleifs(see above).And mimic my intentions - dont discriminate on any basis, Be fair minded and kind hearted. I think jewish beleifs encompass these things far greater than muslim ones.its not for any man to decide that his religion's better or that hes superior above another man.that being said one concludes that muslim beleifs do reflect these 'elite-like'perceptions of self, as well as, intolerant behaviorisms towards any and all other views or peoples of indifference.Jews and Christians definately prefer a God of love and acceptance to all(EVEN CHRISTIAN KILLING MUSLIM PEOPLE). I cant be so positive or drawn to the other....any God encouraging systematic and devious murdering of individually innocent peoples must be tyrannical, earthly, and unheavenly!

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