Do hospitals check your background and call your previous employers and references before they interview?

2015-12-31 8:06 pm
I have an interview with a hospital where you have to know somebody to even get them to look at your application. They have thousands of applicants for each postion.

I was invited for an interview, and am now wondering wether they have already looked at my background and checked my references? Or would they do that after the interview?

Yes, but they do not interview 1,000's...they only select a few to interview.

回答 (4)

2015-12-31 8:43 pm
If it's as difficult to get an interview as you say, they likely have googled you and checked the info on your resume, as well as questioned your internal contact at the hospital. A professional background check and reference check will happen after the interview.
2015-12-31 9:10 pm
They would do it after the interview if they are interested in extending an offer to you. Before they make the offer, they want to verify your employment and background, and make sure your references check out.

I work in HR.
2015-12-31 8:37 pm
After the interview if they feel you could be hired

It cost too much money to run background checks on every applicant, so if you have something on your criminal or credit record they have not found it yet
2015-12-31 8:08 pm
After. They usually have to pay for a background check so they would not put out the money (especially if they have thousands to do) unless they were sure they would offer you a job. You won't be hired until after you pass the background check though.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:06:02
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