How much to charge for being a nanny?

2015-12-31 7:55 pm
The family I babysit for wants me to stay at their house and watch their three daughters (15 months, 6 year old, 10 year old) from Monday-Friday, while they are out of state. I charge them $10 an hour but how much would I charge if I'm staying at their house for an entire 5 days?

I would be alone with them for 5 days. and I know $10 is cheap but I try to make my babysitting rates affordable for families.

回答 (6)

2016-01-09 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
IT DEPENDS you have a degree or child care training...? if not on the low side...$150 a day for a 10 hr day that's about 15 bucks an hour...and I would have a strict bedtime and follow through on a daily nap.

will the older children be in school...?....during the day...? this case..$12 an hour on the low side...

for the most part I would have a daily rate and I would shoot high $200 a day...either they take it or not...they can look for someone else...or wife stay home...

I think you need to know you'll have a lot of cooking and dishes and laundry that will need to get done.....even if kids are at school...the baby and the chores will consume you during the day....

its going to be a long week but I am sure you can do it...
2015-12-31 10:01 pm
Depends on where you live and what comparable nanny salaries are in your area.
2015-12-31 9:28 pm
$10 x 24 x 5 = $1,200. If that seems okay with you, then great. They can always counter that with an offer of their own.
2015-12-31 8:08 pm
Would you be alone with the children for the 5 days? Or just being there for extra help? I am a childcare professional and $10 an hour for 3 children is very cheap in my opinion. I would charge them at least $20 an hour if you are staying at their home without the parents being there.
2015-12-31 8:04 pm
More or less, $10 an hour for the job or $15 if you live in the LA, NYC, or Chicago region. After all, living there and buying stuff ain't cheap.
2015-12-31 7:59 pm

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