Boyfriends disrespects your religious belief?

2015-12-31 3:43 pm
how would you react if your significant other disrespected your beliefs your religious belief? well my bf of 3 years said something to me that hurt me more than anything we've been through. He and i have different beliefs im a christian and he is a muslim and we were talking one night and he started watching a turkish show about the ottoman empire and he was tell me about what was goin on in there and i already know the history and i said dont talk about that stupid movie of yours i dont wanna hear it because it was offensive what he was telling me with pride how muslims were killing christians and i out of anger said its stupid and he said some stuff back and than i said whatever go watch your stupid movie and he said and i quote " IM GOING TO WATCH HOW YOUR ******* CHRISTIAN GET KILLED" and i hung up the phone the minute he said that and it felt and still feels so disrespectful and hurtful makes me hate him for saying that. I never once disrespected his religion or his beliefs. what would you do in this situation?

i appreciate everyone's answer. when we went into this relationship he knew where my beliefs stood as i knew were his stood and i love him for him not who he believes in and i agree two people with different believes is a complicated relationship to be in and to have future with. And i do consider of just letting this relationship go because it never gets easier especially when it comes to things like that.

回答 (10)

2015-12-31 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It may be that you witnessed a new side of your boyfriend's personality that he has previously kept hidden from you.

Ask yourself if this is the man you want to spend the rest of your life together with? If I were in your shoes, I would answer "No." Then again, I also wouldn't be dating a Muslim to begin with....

At the *very* least, you should have a serious talk with your boyfriend about this and the future of your relationship. Let him know how his words made you feel and that they really hurt you. If there is *any* chance of this relationship continuing, he needs to sincerely apologize for his outburst and you need to know that he really didn't mean what he said in his fit of anger. But if he did mean those words, then I'm afraid I don't see a good future ahead for the two of you. It would be better to move on with your life - without him.
2015-12-31 5:19 pm
Well I would be careful.... killing people is no joke.... you could be next
2015-12-31 3:48 pm
Dump him.
2015-12-31 6:11 pm
First you need to realise that you did disrespect his religion by calling the movie stupid. Next the Bible is very clear that we should be equally yoked and you can not be with an unbeliever. Pray and seek God's guidance to find who He wants in your life.
2015-12-31 4:30 pm
Every cult member disparages members of every other cult. That's standard cult behavior so I don't know why you're so surprised by this.
2015-12-31 3:53 pm
Well the good thing is that he's your bf, not your husband. You can find other bf's. I suggest you do so. The bible says we're not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
2015-12-31 3:49 pm
Do you know what an @sshole is?
Hint: you've known one for 3 years.

Know what a door mat is?
Look in the mirror if you don't tell your friend to take a hike unless of course you like being disrespected.
2015-12-31 3:48 pm
"hurt me more than anything we've been through" suggests to me that this relationship has been difficult already. Now you know that the religious differences are going to be a problem as well.

I suggest you realistically ask yourself, at this time in your life, whether you are better off with him or without him. And then act accordingly.
2015-12-31 3:46 pm
Dump him.

He is clearly an asshøle who is with you for your body. The most trusted people in your life should be people who respect you for who you are. He clearly doesn't.
2015-12-31 3:48 pm
I would wonder why I felt disrespected. Why I thought my beliefs free from criticism. Why I was so offended by someone else's ideas.

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