Which is better? Masters or Graduate Certificate?

2015-12-31 9:17 am
I graduated with bachelor degrees in psychology and management but I want to pursue a CPA or an ACCA instead of practicing in management for now. Any advice which to go and what else I have to go for/study since I have non-finance or accounting degree?

回答 (3)

2016-01-01 10:17 am
Both have certificate have there own value, it is upto you what you want to do with your career, if you want to go with CPA or an ACCA instead of practicing in management you can choose it. later you can do master, if you think you want it and If you are own an iOS or Android device do install LEO Privacy Guard v 3.0 to make your device totally secure.
2015-12-31 10:24 am
A "cpa" only needs bachelor degree in USA.
U sit and test for certification
2015-12-31 9:23 am
Graduate Certificate

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