I'm 14 and I'm pregnant....?

2015-12-31 6:51 am
Hello, I'm a 14 year old girl! Me and my boyfriend had sex and yes I did get pregnant! I'm at the point where I want to die! I have no idea on how to raise this baby, my parents have no clue that I'm pregnant! I come from a wealthy/rich and caring family. They will be very disappointed in me! (My parents don't know yet if you haven't figured it out)

I don't want to get an abortion, I want to keep the baby and raise it. I'm very religious and would never forgive myself if I did not keep the baby!

The dad of my baby is also 14 years old and his parents don't know yet also! We ha sex a few months ago, we were having sex protected and were VERY cautious but I guess not cautious enough I will start to show in a few weeks and I have no clue what to do!

回答 (55)

2015-12-31 12:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some of these answers are cruel and unnecessary! 14 and pregnant is far from ideal, but looks like it's time to face the music! Speak to your parents about your situation and see what they suggest, if they go crazy give them time to process the idea first. It will be a big shock, also consider putting your life on hold for the next 18 years. Have you spoke to your boyfriend about this?What does he want?Depending on your parents and your boyfriend I would make a Descision on this, having support is an important thing when having a baby regardless of age! But if your Descision is to keep the baby without any help or support from your family prepare to be in for a tough time nothing prepares you for motherhood, until it's crying at 12am,3am,6am and you cant even shower or go to the toilet uninterrupted,your tired and you just want a normal conversation with ur friends.This isnt a Descision that people on the Internet can make for you!Its something you and the people involved need to make
2015-12-31 11:14 am
Time to grow up and be honest with yourself here… If you were "very religious" you wouldn't be sitting there pregnant in the first place. Why use the excuse of religion to take your best option off table? Pregnancy & childbirth is not all sunshine and roses, but if you are ready & willing to risk your health & life over a poor decision, that's your choice. At least consider adoption. You can sit & say that you want to raise your baby all you want, but in reality it may likely be the grandparents and daycare, unless you are ready & willing to give up most of your social life outside of school. College applications look much more appealing with extracurricular activities and volunteer work and such...so maybe you can find time for that...
2016-01-02 12:12 am
I swear you stupid girls nowadays have no idea of the meaning live your life young! I mean that's basically what you wanted because you didn't spread your legs and he did a bust a nut so what do you expect you're just a 14 and a very stupid and of course your parents will be very disappointed and if I was your father I would literally literally literally kick you out of the house
2015-12-31 7:05 pm
Leave your religious beliefs out of the question. Your BEST option (if it's not too late), is to talk to your parents and let them arrange for you to have an abortion ASAP. If for no other reason than the fact that your body is still too physically immature for you to safely give birth without the strong possibility of serious (perhaps permanent) physical complications.

If you can't have an abortion, then it would be best to have the baby and then immediately put it up for adoption. Don't even think about keeping it and trying to raise it yourself.

Are you intending to subject your parents to raising your child for you and acting as unpaid baby sitters before you finally have to drop out of school? That's what it will amount to. Don't forget that you will also be choosing to give up all your "fun" years as a teenager in high school - no dating, no proms, no more hanging out with your friends - that will all come to a screeching halt if you decide to keep this baby - you won't have the time to do those things; you will be busy raising a baby by yourself for the next 18 years.

Your boyfriend is also only 14 years of age, and you have no claim on him. Don't count on him to help you raise this baby - not at his age. By the time the child is 6 months old (if not before), he will have turned his back and you and the baby, and will be long gone - leaving you and the baby to sink or swim on your own. I hate to sound brutal, but that's what is going to happen if you keep this child.
2015-12-31 2:58 pm
Your religion does not reqiure you to ruin your future because you made a mistake. (Assuming you are Christian, surely they teach that God forgives sin.)

If you don't feel able to have an abortion, then adoption would be the best choice for you AND your baby. A child deserves responsible, adult parents.

Whatever you decide, you need to tell your parents, and you need to start getting prenatal care.

(Though I'm now suspecting troll, since you asked this twice, and the last time you said that the condom broke and that you're already over 20 weeks pregnant. There is NO way that your 'caring' parents could not suspect you are pregnant. Has your mom not noticed that you haven't asked for pads or tampons in many months?)
2016-01-02 12:55 am
Some of these answers are really harsh, i know what you're going through my family are super religious as well. Having an abortion in my opinion is wrong, but having this baby is going to ruin your life. You won't be able to go out, it'll prevent you from doing a lot of things and as you are so young it may be really difficult for you to have love for that baby, you're parents are gonna be disappointed with you but they'll help you in the long run and help you with what's best for you.
2016-01-01 1:41 am
I am also a religious person and I can tell you for certain that God loves you no matter what. I know that he sent his son to die on the cross for our sins and that is exactly what you and your boyfriend did was sin. So ask for forgivness..What you should think about is something that I have a hard time with myself, trust in God and his plan whole heartedly. He will not put you through more than you can handle I promise. Pray to him for answers on what he wants you to do. He gave you this blessing for a reason. I am 24 years old, married two and a half years and wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant. My husband and I went through an unbelievable amount of loss our first year and a half of marriage but I am now 34 weeks pregnant, buying our first house and happier than ever. Even though i felt so badly about giving up, I didn't, I prayed constantly and as always..God pulled through. Good luck to you in whatever choice you make. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
2015-12-31 4:09 pm
Speak to your parents. Let them know that you don't want to have an abortion. Tell them that you want to keep the baby but be prepared for them to not support that. They will say that you are too young to raise a child and that's true. And they may not want to raise the child. So, your only other option is giving the baby up for adoption. I know that this is not an easy decision for you but once you do what is best for the baby, everything will work out. Raising a child is not easy, especially when you are so young. You have your education and future to think about. Your child would be better off raised by a loving couple who could provide him/her with all he/she needs. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes--ones that could drastically change our lives but we need to take responsibility and do what is best. Seek God in prayer as well. He knows your situation. I wish you all the best.
2016-01-01 5:45 am
Hi, I'm 14 and Christian (Catholic) too. Having sex out of wedlock then managing to get pregnant would never cross my mind. Because I know that I would bring shame to myself, my family, my boyfriend and his family. Possibly the whole neighborhood/community, and I know how much that would ruin my reputation. However, you are not aborting the baby which is good. You know that since you are now pregnant how much tragedy you are going to bring to your family, your boyfriend and his family, and what a challenge it is to be a teen mom. You ever seen Teen Mom? You will have to be prepared to sacrifice a lot for this baby. All the time, hard work and responsibility. And I don't know about your parents. I am assuming your parents are very good people, they could be helpful or will leave everything to you, but they will definitely not take that as a good thing. I know you may get sensitive while reading this, but hopefully this gave you a wake up call. It's called tough love and in my family that is religious as well, my whole family loves each other but it's all tough love. Everybody needs toughness in their life.
2016-01-03 4:19 am
First, it's really important for you & baby to get prenatal care.The sooner you let someone know, the better it will be.If you need help, ask someone you trust to be with you for the conversation. It'll be hard, but keeping this secret puts you & baby at risk. I commend you for respecting the life inside you! However, a child is a huge responsibility. You'll need help caring for baby, & you may not want to rule out adoption.Assuming you have a good family relationship, they may be disappointed, but they love you & will love your child as well. If you feel in danger or overwhelmed by sharing, a Christian pregnancy help center can explain options that respect you & your baby's lives, & can even help you prepare to share with your family, as well as offer other help & resources.They're typically free & some offer ultrasounds.Remember that by His grace, all things, even our mistakes, are worked together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28).He has a plan for you & your little one!
2016-01-01 11:31 am
Tell your parents, tell your boyfriend's parents, and get help. You DO NOT have to have an abortion. It is completely and utterly your choice. Talk to your parents, and they will help you. Just remember, this is your body, so it's your choice. If you want to keep the baby, then keep it. You are very brave and strong. You can do this, trust me. You will be able to look after yourself and your baby. Trust yourself. Good luck, I know the situation isn't ideal, but make the most of it. I hope everything works out for you.
2015-12-31 6:54 am
When you're a mother you need to put your baby first. The babies needs should be the top priority. Being a 14 year old mother is not an ideal situation. Honestly the best advice I can give is for you to consider adoption. That way the baby will be able to be raised in a stable home with a mother and father and you can set up visits and still be in his/her life. I just want you to think about it and put your baby first.
2016-01-02 6:15 pm
I understand your situation. Have you considered adoption? You wouldn't be aborting, but you also wouldn't have to throw your whole life away. It might not be good for a child to be raised by a teenager, you know? You still have a lot of growing up to do yourself. There are a lot of families out there who can't have children, and you would be giving them the world. It's a hard decision to make, but think about it. Good luck.
2016-01-01 8:55 pm
If your parents are lovely and supportive, rather speak to them!!!They will need to help you because you are so young and this a big responsibility!!!Well done for sticking to your beliefs!!!I know someone who now has an 18 year old son and had a baby at 16, it was so hard, but she managed on her own with her parents support & now is so pleased to have a handsome young man for a son!!!!
You will love your baby so much, you can do this, don't let anyone tell you that you wouldn't be able to manage!!!!Its not always easy, but it's also more exhausting parenting when you are an older parent!!!!Nothing important in life is easy - life will always have challenges, but this is one that will also be very rewarding and such a blessing!!!
2015-12-31 8:58 pm
Okay sweetie, first things first is that you have to tell your parents that you are pregnant. I understand that you don't want to get an abortion and good on you for not wanting one! Usually women who undergo an abortion develop serious mental and physical complications (full list here http://highschool.studentsforlife.org/abortion-facts/) What I suggest is that you should visit your local crisis pregnancy center for help on what to do with this child, whether you want to give it up for adoption or keep it. That's all and if you need anything else let me know. Praying for you sweetie!
2016-01-01 7:12 am
Do not get an abortion. Tall to your parents about your situation. You're wealthy so they can afford a nanny to take care of the baby full time, until you are old enough to take care of your own child. A friend of mine got pregnant in her teens, her family gave her baby up to another family member who was having trouble getting pregnant. She was young and vulnerable, and now she is much older and cannot believe that she gave up her baby. If you are religious then you should know that God doesn't make mistakes.
2016-01-01 1:04 am
What a stupid whore...let this be a lesson for all you other young girls who want to stick a boy's penis in your vagina while your still living at your parent's house...idiot
2016-01-01 12:50 am
I'm 37 and I gave birth to my first son @ 13 raised in a Christian home. It was hard on my parents and they didn't cut me any slack. I was afraid and had to learn one day at a time with what ever came with the day now my son is 24 a very good strong man I'm a proud grandma of a beautiful little girl who just turned 5 and I am 6 weeks pregnant with my sixth child. Keep your chin up, work hard and love the lord.
2015-12-31 7:08 am
Well.. First of all your parents will make you get abortion and for the rest of your life they will look at you in a totally diferent way.
Oh and prepare to be locked in your house for a long long time.... And that boyfriend.. Either sued or in big big trouble since your family is wealthy.
Like i always say to my fellow friend guys "Be careful where you put your signature and where your d.ck"
Please tape your parents reaction its gonna be a majour hit on YouTube!
*Prepare to be single or if you have any luck within you ...married.
2016-01-06 3:45 am
First thing Hun is figure out how far along you are. My mom was pregnant with me at 14 and had me at 15. My parents were the same age. If your wanting to keep the pregnancy then do it, but understand your still a child and will be under your parents roof for the next 4 years. My best advice to you is make up your mind, put your big girl panties on and get planning for a future. My parents were split apart due to my grandparents moving a state away to keep them apart. My mom never went to school dropped out her 8th grade year and ended up havin 4 kids by 21. My life sucked .. And I look to my grandparent as parents. Due to my mom not finishing school and being to immature to raise a child, I ultimately suffered. My dad was never in the picture he finished college but has 2 other families with 2 other women. Don't be that mom..or put your hold in that situation. Graduate high school, finish college and get on a birth control that's at least 5 years preventative. Wish you the best honey.
2016-01-05 10:50 pm
Honestly I think your going to be perfectly fine . I am in your position right now. Same age. And it's terrifying, but we just have to accept it.
2016-01-03 1:45 pm
Tell your parents, darling. You are really young & I'm sure you're scared too. The best option here is to tell your parents. If you're closer with one, tell them first then have them there when you tell the other. I'm not saying they won't be mad but they'll be less mad if you tell them then them finding out when you start showing. You do NOT have to get an abortion, it is entirely up to you. Hope everything goes well.(:
2016-01-03 2:29 am
Sounds like a scary situation, you should tell your parents so they can help, they are going to know eventually and if you tell them now you can come up with an option with your parents and they can help you with whatever decision you make, abortion, adoption, or keeping it.
2016-01-02 4:29 pm
Listen precious, (n yes you are valuable and precious- you just made a bad decision to fornicate--- we ALL make mistakes even in our 30s and 40s etc
Sin is sin regardless of age and God forgives sin). So dear, this is what you need to do: PRAY..talk to God about this. Being religious is 1thing. Having a relationship with God Is another..So, if you havent already, start talking (praying) to God---he will COMFORT you AND he'll PREPARE your parents. THEN go talk to your parents!! Tell them!! They love you. God Loves you! He will lead them to do their best to help you along the way. GOD IS LOVE! The blood of Jesus cleanses us. God knew we would make mistakes thats why he sent JESUS to shed his innocent blood For US. PLEASE do those 2things: Pray! Then TELL YOUR PARENTS. BE BLESSED.
2016-01-02 3:30 pm
Best thing to do is to tell your parents and let them know that you want to keep your baby and will try very hard to take responsibility for it. Seeing as though you are too young to get a job, you will need your parents help but you have to be able to be up with the baby and do for it. If you DON'T want to have an abortion then you have a right not to get one! Don't let anyone here pressure you into "getting rid" of your baby. Good luck!
2016-01-02 1:58 am
Your parents will figure it out eventually, you might as well tell then sooner rather than later. Better in the next few weeks because they will need time to get used to the idea, you will need to plan in check-ups to make sure all is well, a nursery will have to be organised, and financial and other arrangements will need to be made with your boyfriend's family.

I also think you should consider Edna's answer ... but remember, the choice is yours alone to make.
2016-01-02 12:56 am
Talk with your boyfriend and then both talk your's parent. Inform them that you are know this
2016-01-01 11:17 pm
it's scary at first because I'm 16 and pregnant And it was tough telling my parents and I got through it they are here for me now remember you can't wait because it you do wait to tell your parents it will be late and right it seems like they will kill you but you remember know reguardless of what happens they will have to get over it eventually and accept it first isn't easy but it gets better and tell them soon because if your keeping it you nees those check ups and your prenatal pills asap good luck and remember it gets better
2016-01-01 6:46 pm
It was obvuously meant to be. Dont worry your parents love you and you will all get through this
2016-01-01 5:44 pm
atleast you can chill out with your daughters friends and not look like a total creep like my mom does when she does that.
2015-12-31 7:54 pm
First off, sit your parents down and tell them. You're only postponing the inevitable by not telling them, which is causing you so much more stress than necessary. You will figure this out.
2015-12-31 3:53 pm
I feel like you're young and maybe you're thinking this in the moment but you should really think ahead, for you and your future if you feel as if this is what you want then by all mean do it but I feel like you should always put yourself first
2015-12-31 3:03 pm
If you are not able to have sex without getting pregnant, then you're not responsible enough to raise a child. Put it up for adoption or something. Abortion is horrible.
2015-12-31 12:43 pm
Make sure when you tell them there not stressed for other reasons , tell them calmly and tell them you would appreciate support and you decided to keep it. Expect them to bet upset know they love you but they had big dreams for you. This will be a big change for them. I'm a mom of a 13,14, and 16 year old
2015-12-31 7:01 am
Wow your very young. Tell your parents they might be able to help you out. If they don't then that's hard. Before you tell them drop some clues on them about your pregnancy. Also if you want to tell your parents. Choose either you mum or dad.
2016-01-03 1:21 pm
2016-01-03 12:08 am
If you were as religious as you say you'd know not to be having sex at 14. You knew what you were possibly getting yourself into. No more childhood for you. Babies having babies...these stupid kids.
2016-01-01 10:58 pm
Go to your parents and come clean. Make sure your "boyfriend" gets hooked for 18 years of child support. Don't get married, whatever you do!
2016-01-01 9:02 pm
I am waiting until after marriage to get pregnant.
2016-01-01 6:59 am
There's always adoptipn
2016-01-01 6:15 am
Keep it I'm older and I regret that I didn't keep mine! There will be adjustments my parents didn't get mad at all and I was 14 when I got pregnant too the first time. You will just have to find the right time to tell them. Hugs and Love to you! Blessings!
2015-12-31 5:10 pm
There are many people who would love your baby and help you. Bless you. I wish there was a way for you to contact me.
2015-12-31 12:51 pm
You are very Young this is not the ideal situation to be in but I still don't agree with you being influenced to have an abortion when you are not comfortable with it your parents are religious but maybe they will change their views on abortions when they see their 14 year old daughter pregnant maybe your parents will be supportive maybe they won't however don't let anyone influence your decision if you don't feel comfortable about having an abortion then just don't do it Just make sure that you are ready for the responsability of a child for the next 18 years
2015-12-31 8:25 am
The only real option you have is sit with your parents, or in an extreme situation whereby you know beforehand that they might become violent with a social worker. If they're 'remotely' reasonable, they'll try to help you with the situation and guide you. This is not a nice situation to be in, but you definitely do not deserve to be there alone. I assume you took precautions, and they failed. That happens also to adults.

Please make sure in all your discussions with your parents and other adults that you're 'in it' together with your boyfriend and make sure that not the full blame is directed to him. It's too easy for parents and other adults to say 'let's point the finger in the direction of the nasty boy that impregnated our daughter'. He needs as well support in this situation as you and not only a pointing finger, or even worse, legal proceedings.
2016-01-01 5:21 am
Any way this goes you have to talk to your parents. They may have a solution that you would be open to and maybe you havent thought of. You said they were loving and they will love this baby despite the circumstances. Maybe an open adoption would be something to consider? Where you could be the baby's "auntie" but someone else would do the hard work. Whatever happens tho, after this please please please learn everything there is to know about how you get pregnant and statistics and everything. Some of us are much more fertile than others. I am one of those. I have 2 pill babies and 1baby who was concieved right after i miscarried (wasnt suppossed to be fertile for one month after at least) the difference is that I'm 31 and in a long term relationship (so please dont be judgy readers)

Sorry you are going thru this sweetie. You need to get on prenatal vitamins right away! You need totalk to your parents Like tonight! And please educate yourself in all the options. Keep your mind open.
2016-01-01 4:45 am
Parents get over it, mine did. Yeah is is one of the most uncomfortable experiences in your life but once you tell them everything will go fine. Deliver bad news like you always do. Never deliver bad news to people in a bad mood, do your best to put them in a good mood first. Prove responsibility first so that they will not worry about you and never present a problem without presenting the solution alongside it. And make your own mind up first so that they can not make it up for you. You are going to be a great momma.
2015-12-31 9:14 pm
Oh well sucks for you get an abortion that's embarrassing as hell.
2015-12-31 7:20 pm
I think u should blame urself
2015-12-31 7:11 am
Being religious did not stop you from having unprotected sex at the age of 14, why should it stop you from getting an abortion now lol?

Kill the baby and be done with it.
2016-01-05 3:24 pm
Then abort the child
2016-01-04 9:36 pm
abortion, , abortion. at a clinic or hospital. this is not a DIY thing.
2016-01-04 6:27 am
Sucks 4 u skrub
2016-01-01 3:14 pm
If ur due too show soon it's too late for abortion. But it's ur fault for not using two backup birth control methods like a pill n condoms. Keep it. Fess up if u can make the choice to keep it u can have the guts to tell ur parents. They won't be dancing but they will eventually come around
2016-01-01 10:19 am
We all make mistakes... At a tender age as yours you are emotionally misguided by your own whims and fancies. Raising kids is not so easy and maybe your wanting for that boy, you decide to raise a kid and struggle all your life to find solutions. I would suggest you to talk to an elderly person that you can confide to or to a female gynecologist and plan out an abortion..... BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
2016-01-01 12:56 am
Are you not showing already?!? Seen as it has been "a few months" since you had sex..... and you'll start to show in a "few weeks??"..... If you're not showing already, I doubt you're pregnant.
2015-12-31 7:19 am
Spoiled trust fund baby

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