Can a minor use a card?

2015-12-30 11:54 pm
My parents are sending me to LA for a vacation. Can I use their credit or debit card over there to take money out or do I need a paresnt. Also will they let me use a credit or debit card in Riviera Maya mexico

回答 (2)

2015-12-31 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
They would need to contact the credit card company and have them issue you your own card (Authorized user), then you could. Most places will ask to see ID and the card you present would not be the same as your name, in fact that might even get the card pulled from you by a merchant thinking it is a fraud .
2015-12-31 4:59 am
If I were a merchant, I wouldn't let you use a card that didn't have your name on it. The risk of not being paid is too great. Using a credit card for obtaining cash is DUMB because it is very, very expensive (fees and 29% interest rate). Most merchants (but not all) don't need to see the debit card because without a PIN#, you can't complete the purchase. Some may want to check your ID with the credit or debit card. That could put you in a difficult situation. Might not be able to get any money to pay for anything.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:05:24
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