Help potty training dogs?!?

2015-12-30 11:04 pm
I have 2 dogs: Jack Russell & Weiner (leo) 7 mo and shih tzu (cooper) 4 mo. dont say to get rid of or spank them. As soon as we got them we bought puppy pads and took them outside to potty often. When we saw them using the bathroom in the house we would scold them and that didnt not work. They just dont care. Then we talked to a trainer and they said when they potty in the house to take them straight to their crate, scold them, and leave them in there for 10 to 15 minutes. We have been doing this for a few months and it doesn't work. They come right back out and potty again 20 minutes later even if we have taken them outside after letting them out of their crate. When we take them out to use the bathroom they come right back in and use it on the floor. During the day when were gone we DO NOT trust them roming around so we put them in their crates. I heard this is a good way for them to build their ballder strength because dogs dont like to use the bathroom where they sleep. But omg leo does not care. He will poop in his cage if he wants to. He absolutely does not care. Cooper has never used the bathroom in his cage so he is good at that. We really dont know what to do. We have puppy pads in almost every room, we take them outside, we even bought this spray from the pet store to spray on their puppy pad which is supposed to make them use the bathroom on it but they dont care. We dont have money to pay for an expensive trainer.Our house smells like pee even after cleaning!

回答 (7)

2015-12-30 11:10 pm
I'm not sure if this will help you but with my Bichon Frise, anytime she needed to go out we say, "do you need to go out?" and eventually she learned that that meant to go outside to pee. Also we hung her lease on the door and she began to swat at it if she needed to go out . If we don't hear the leash right away then she'll begin to whine and we'll take her out. So maybe when you catch you're dogs doing something bring them outside until they learn.
2015-12-31 12:13 am
Trainer is never use the crate as punishment. Yes they will go in their crates. Puppy pads are useless. When you catch them going in the house you give a stern no and immediately take them outside. If you do crate train them when you let them out you immediately take them out. Yes it may take a few months but you have to have them on a strict schedule. Take them to the door and say "go potty" take them out and when they go give them lots of praise and throw a ball for them or some kind of play time. You may have to take them out on a 2 hour schedule for a while.
2015-12-31 1:02 am
Get rid of the pads and train them properly all you're doing is confusing them.

Never scold, correct, get rid of that trainer you should be able to train them yourself if you do it properly.

Of course the first thing you did wrong was to get two pups so close together in age, which makes training very difficult.

Should have gotten just one and trained that one first and then and only then consider getting another.

As you've already discovered, sprays don't work.

Training requires a lot of patience, constant supervision, separate/contain only when you can't supervise, immediate correction when caught in the act, consistency, diligence, time, minimum 6-18 months, more or less, if done properly, to start, on your part.

Proper feeding may help determine elimination times.

You must provide sufficient daily exercise/elimination times, regardless of weather conditions, how you maybe feeling (tired/sick/busy), and other obligations such as school, homework, extracurricular activities, household chores, childcare, work and social life. An empty/tired dog is a good dog.

Clean all soiled areas properly by first removing all solids/liquids then:

Once trained you must still enforce what was trained on the daily basis for the life of the dogs, 12-17 years.

Good luck you've got a long road ahead of you.

Happy New Year.
2016-04-26 1:44 am
參考: Ultimate Dog Training Videos -
2015-12-31 3:51 am
Take up the pads, and from now on all you do is oput them on the lead once an hour and take them to their toilet spot. When they go, give a suitable command, praise and reward.

Never, ever punish mistakes. They dont understand its the place thats wrong, and will hide from you which makes housebreaking harder.
2015-12-31 12:04 am
The problem is your house smells like pee which translates to the pups as the place to do their business. You might of also failed to get the process explained in terms the pups can understand by making changes that is not logical only to you. Like, you leave them alone and break the consistency. You have 2 dogs and each one is copying the other. You have to be consistent and insistent. You also have 2 rather dumb dogs which should make things more difficult than normal.
2015-12-30 11:36 pm
Do not put them in their crate as punishment! That is a HORRIBLE idea.

Take the dogs outside. Play with them until they go to the bathroom. When they do, take them right inside and play some more. After 30 minutes go outside and wait for them to use the bathroom again. Every single time when you bring them in they get praised and treats.

When you catch them going in the house immediately raise your voice, stomp your feet while walking up to them, scold them by saying their name and then "No!" and then take the dog outside. He stays out with YOU watching until he goes to the bathroom. When he does, he can come back in. It might take a while for him to do it, but it needs to happen before he comes in. Once again, when he comes in you must play and reward him.

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