if I drive my dads car and I'm not in his policy "insurance" and I get pulled over what can happen.. I have my lincence?

2015-12-30 10:37 pm

回答 (14)

2015-12-31 5:21 pm
Depends on the insurance and policy. Some cover anyone who drives the car. Some don't. If you have your own and just aren't listed on his, make sure you have a copy of yours and as long as it's liability then you're covered. If you're driving his for an extended amount of time, just be added as another driver. If it's only say, a day a year or something, make sure you have YOUR insurance with you.
參考: Personal experience
2015-12-30 11:37 pm
It's not getting pulled over that should worry you - and your dad. It's that accident. The worst that can happen when you get pulled over, is you get a ticket.

But if you are in an accident, you and dad can end up writing the check for all the damages, because you ARE uninsured. There's no "free insurance" for your kids by not listing them.
2015-12-30 10:44 pm
Nothing can happen, what can happen is that if you do have an accident and it's your fault you will have to pay the full fee, of both your dads car and the other car. Really it is best to make a phone call and list you as a driver of the car
2016-01-03 12:04 pm
If you live in his house, then you MUST be on his insurance policy. If he has not added you to the policy, then he is at fault with his insurance company. In many cases, the insurance company may not realize there is other drivers in the home, so until something like a ticket or accident happens, the insurance wouldn't know about you.

Next, if you get a ticket, that might not get back to his insurance. Tickets usually follow the driver, not the car. Therefore, the ticket would follow your name and your driver's license, not the registration and plate of the car. The insurance company probably wouldn't find out about the ticket. However, if you have an actual accident, the insurance company would find out and your dad could be in serious trouble. The company could even cancel his policy for not adding you when he should have.

Last, in many states, after someone gets a ticket, they will get a letter asking them to provide proof of insurance. This "proof of insurance" must come directly from the insurance company that has YOUR policy. OOPS....guess what.....you don't have a policy and you aren't listed on anyone's policy. This means that you might have to pay extra fines besides the speeding ticket and your license could be suspended.

I know about that last thing because I had to provide proof of insurance for my daughters after they had speeding tickets. Luckily, I was a smart parent and put them on my insurance policy.
2015-12-31 4:25 pm
if you are not covered by his insurance you are driving without insurance coverage, very likely the car will be impounded
2015-12-30 10:42 pm
Driving without insurance - crime
Taking without consent if you did not get your dad's permission.
It is nice that you have your licence - but you are still a criminal.
2016-01-01 6:34 pm
If the policy covers you while driving, there is no problem. All drivers are not always listed on the declaration page of a policy, usually just the named policy holder. As a driver all you need to show the police when pulled over is that the "vehicle" is insured for liability coverage..
2015-12-31 5:55 pm
Depends on your state. Some states allow companies to restrict coverage to listed drivers. Other states do not restrict to listed drivers.

Just getting pulled over shouldn't be a big deal. A collision would be the real fear.

If the vehicle is uninsured and you are pulled over, you are done.
2015-12-31 3:44 pm
You show the police your Dad's insurance card, and the police are satisfied.

If you have an accident where you are at fault and if you are driving his car with this permission, his policy covers you.
2015-12-31 1:20 am
You get a citation for not having insurance plus whatever you were pulled over for.
2015-12-31 12:14 am
If you get pulled over, they will ask you for your license and registration (of the car). Then they'll ask why you are driving a car that's not yours. After that, well, the reason you got pulled over.

You would need insurance if you get into an accident.
2015-12-30 11:10 pm
A criminal record for driving uninsured
2015-12-31 12:29 pm
You will be ask a few question,but at the end of the day the vehicle you are driving is an insured vehicle be it by you or your dad all in all you are covered. The find print says any driver over the age of x and holder of a valid driver permit.
2015-12-30 10:45 pm
If you have your own insurance nothing,

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