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Yes, I would.
I don't think anyone who answered this knows that these are lyrics from a very popular song from about 15 years ago.
From the hundreds of responses I've read anyway, no one has given the semblance that they know.
Hold the wheel and drive! Maybe Jesus just wants you to crash >:-)
參考: bottled here
Yes. I dislike wine and getting drunk and such and water is better for you than a glass of wine. You can't live off of wine! Anyway, no way am I getting another U.T.I!
yes since I don't drink at all, and I need water.
Yes, because not all wine/s taste good.
Hold the wheel and drive?
Hold the wheel and dri--oh, sorry. Now you got Incubus stuck in my head.
Anyway, I'd choose water.
Yes absolutely I like wine but not as much as water and water it's necessary for the body you cannot live of wine!
Yes, I love water and drink a gallon a day. I don't drink alcohol at all. Teetotaler here...
Yes, I would choose water over wine. I drink water everyday. I hate the taste of wine.
if I do choose wine, do me a solid... hold the wheel and drive
W to the A to the T to the E to the R.
Hold the wheel and drive...?
Water...but I would choose whiskey over wine. Wine aint my thing.
every day any day
alcohol is a drug
Nope! I worked for the EPA for eight years I know whats in water Tap or Bottled.
Definitely, and I wouldn't have to explain any of my reasons, either (HINT: None of them are 'because a parent or priest said so.')
And hold my own and drive. ( Water Cause I cant drink alcohol that means i cant drink wine or beer) lol
Of course, otherwise I'd be dead pretty soon. By the way, lots of people have answered "water". The question didn't ask which you would choose, it asked if you would choose one over another so answers should be "yes/no". Lots of sheeple lol.
well I live on a Vineyard and make my own wine, if that answers the question.
Yep, I don't care for any wine that I have tried.
Yes... I'll definitely choose water
Wine dehydrates and intoxicates its drinker. I would choose water over wine every time.
參考: I'm under 21 and I have had a taste of wine before, and it was terrible.
I choose water AFTER wine
Yeah wine does nothing for me after a workout
Yes..and,have many times..~*
I would definitely choose water over wine.
the annoying thing about hanging out with Jesus is that he turns every water fountain into a wine fountain. Like seriously?
Fμck water. Bring me wine.
I don't like wine, so water.
Am I the only one scrolling through here searching for someone to sag wine?
Your body can't survive without water whereas a person in a lifetime does not need wine or any type of alcohol and in some cases too much can lead health problems in the future. I'm only 13 but yeah....i'm guessing
Water any day!
I don't drink, by the way.
I would personally choose water because I'm not 21 yet!
yes, becuase i'm smart and healthy :) !
Yes, I would choose water over wine.
Depends on the situation. Definitely water if I'm going to be driving. Still like a little wine in certain situations.
It depends wether I'm thirsty or want to celebrate!
water...wine just tastes like rotten fruit to me
water cause it doesnt kill braincells
Jesus turned water into wine
Water. Alcohol is nothing but legal poison and will age your body faster than most anything else you can put in it.
Not an alcoholic. Water is a better alternative than wine anyway, in health perspective, I believe.
Im allergic to wine
Yes, as I am a teetotaler.
water. I don't like alcohol.
Water. Wine is spoiled grape juice!
I always choose water.
Only once in a while, do I drink a glass of wine or Porto.
I am not at all keen on alcohol.
Everytime. Of course some ice, 2 oz of wine and an oz of water.....hummmmmm
Yes water has healing properties and is more refreshing than any drink. It has a quality of multipurpose.
Water - if I was driving afterwards
If I was out in a desert water
And if I was on a night out wine
But if I had to choose one right now water ????????????????
Yes, water is healthiest, and you can't get drunk if you drink too much water!
Depends on the situation, for thirst or survival, obviously water. With dinner, wine!
yes, water is the only liquid that quenches my thirst
Depends on what wine it is and what water. If it's cheap wine then give me water. Then again a sparkling water/flavoured ice water can be just as a nice as a good wine especially if you want to stay sober
I see lots of waters here, for me it solely depends on the situation I find myself in. I do love a good glass of wine, but also water as it helps me stay refreshed. If possible I'd love it if water tasted like wine.
Water, not a wine fan
Wine's too bitter for me
I drink more water
Only 2 glasses of wine a day
I would never drink alcohol.
I would have a Budweiser maybe...lol
Yes. Wine invariably makes me thirst for water.
It depends.
If I am really thirsty it's water.
If it's a social event it's wine.
well i once changed water into wine the strongest wine ever but idk i guess i can have either at a instant of time weather i choose one or not
Yes. I'd rather not be drunk and be a risk to other people.
yeah, I don't drink wine.
if you drink the water it's got a lot of chemicals in it i would drink the wine
Water of course, not a fan of wine anyway.
I'm not old enough to drink wine :') Water duh.
duh water. I can't even drink wine
Wow! Like every answer is water. Water would be my answer too
Only if Jesus was there to turn it into wine
water is the source of life! Adams ale! Cant live without it, yet we can live without wine!
Yes. Cause you don't get a charge for it
Yes because it's illegal for me to drink wine.
of course I need water I don't need wine!
Sparkling grape the alcoholic kind, not the non alchoholic
depends if I had to drive
Yes cause I quit drinking
I would choose chlorinated safe drinking water over wine.
I would choose a weak wine over unsafe drinking water.
Yes. I don't like wine or beer.
Yes i would choose water over wine,because drinking 5 litres of wine per day is very injurious to health and can almost kill you,whereas drinking 5 litres of water which i drink per day is very healthy for health and keeps your inner parts of the body healthy.
waterine........just for fun...........only water............
Yes, because I'm a recovering alcoholic.
Water. It's healthy and wine makes you more dehydrated.
water, because you need that to make wine! ;)
Jesus turned water into wine - thus I drink wine
water .because it is healthy than wine
Water because is has a clean crisp taste and does not leave a horrible taste in the mouth whereas wine stains teeth, tastes horrible etc
Yes, for the long haul, if that was the only choice, water would be best for living. But there are situations, like with the dinner planned for tonight, I will have both. Happy New Years everyone. Drink responsibly.
Water because I am 15 and therefore underage plus have never tried alcohol anyway
I choose water over wine. Water is good for you, wine just gives me a headache, I hate the stuff
Yes. Fresh water is the best drink.
Yes definitely. I don't even like wine. I don't even like alcohol.
I am a gym rat. I drink about a gallon of WATER day.
It depends on the local water supply. If the water supply was questionable, I would chose wine.
If I had the good lord Jesus with me then it wouldn't make any difference. I wouldn't have to buy a boat either.
Depends what floats your boat.
no both are risky
use air .
Tonight i will choose a Glas of wine
Happy New Year!
I like Wine but Water wont make me drunk So water.
Yes, because water is essential for living. Wine isn't. In fact, wine would increase the dehydration caused by a lack of water.
It depends, who I'm with, if there is a special occasion, it depends on the circumstances. I don't drink wine unless it's a holiday or something of that sort. But if it's just a regular day, then I'd choose water.
Water since it can help you to grow taller, be fresh, and healthy.
Yup definitely water over wine
Yes, I can only have one small sip of wine, so it's not enough if I'm thirsty.
Water today wine tomorrow. Happy new year.
I'll choose Prosecco over water today.
Water is definitely essential and this has to be first choice. You may live without wine but not without water.
Any Day! Oh, my goodness! We have this fancy looking wine case in our house, and one day, when my older brother and I were young, we wanted to try some wine! So we opened a bottle from the case, and we each took a sip! It was the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted!
yes water I don't like wine
Water actually, I used to date an alcoholic so drinking really isn't my thing anymore and I don't like being around drunks and belligerent behavior.
Water. Water can be changed into wine.
No, I can do away with water but not the wine.
I often do choose water instead of wine at meals
Yes. I don't drink alcohol.
Yes, if you don't have water within three days you'll die
Today it's definitely the wine.
Water because it is vital to survival and plus I don't drink.
Water this is because if you chose wine u would be drunk everyday XD
參考: Anonymous
Depends on the situation really. If ots just for a general drink im not sure. If its like im on a island with no one around them water is the choice.
Water but if Jesus turned my water into wine I'll drink that too
yeah, because I'm underage.
Water for sure if I had to choose as much as I enjoy wine. You need to keep your body hydrated
Yes, water is my best friend :)
yes Water is the best drink for you and cleanses out your soul.
They're both **** it's all about the coco cola
No wine is good for your health
Yes. I don't like the taste of wine.
I'd prefer Pepsi Max but if the choices were water and wine... I'd choose water every time I do not drink alcohol
Yes since I don't drink booze. maybe to be polite I do have a sip to toast someone, but my family know I don't drink so are fine with me toasting with whatever I fancy.
Water because you can live off of water while wine idk but it is better to drink water because well it can be something you can live off of in an emergency
only if Jesus was in the room