do you believe Miracles REALLY EXIST?

2015-12-30 5:28 pm

回答 (216)

2015-12-30 11:01 pm
I totally believe that miracles exist. You cannot accredit all of the wonderful things that have taken place in this world simply to luck. I am a walking miracle. I was predicted to be born premature, weighing between 1-1.5 pounds and coming out physically and mentally handicapped. Instead, I was born on time, weighing 9 pounds and 9 ounces and I am a part of a highly competitive national scholarship program, on the path to becoming an Ivy League student within the next couple of years. God has truly saved me and has performed numerous miracles in my life, and the lives of others.
2015-12-30 5:50 pm

People describing things as miracles really hacks me off.

For example, describing the landing of UA1549 on the Hudson river as a "miracle" does a huge disservice to a highly skilled pilot who was trained to deal with total engine failure, and how to perform a water landing - and also a vast engineering team of aeronautical engineers who put serious thought into multiple disaster scenarios and how to make then survivable.

Calling this a "miracle" is saying it could have been a DC-10 flown by a trained monkey, because God Did It! And that is a huge insult to the pilot and the engineers.
2015-12-30 9:03 pm
Is this a troll post, asking if you believe miracles really exist? You surviving another night, continuing to breath, is a miracle. Ever studied how human eyesight works? Ever seen a beautiful sunset? Miracles.

Seeing a miracle doesn't mean you will believe anything different. Jesus turned a few fish and a couple loaves of bread into enough food to feed several thousand people. The scripture tells us they followed him after that, still not believing in him but only wanting more food. The Pharisees watched him heal lepers, heal a man blind from birth, heal those with lame limbs, and raise a man from the dead. Then they asked him for a sign!

Matthew 12:39-40: He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."

Luke 16:31: "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"
2015-12-30 7:52 pm

You can interpret an event as having supernatural causes and call it a miracle. Or you can study the phenomenon and determine the natural processes and causes that were really behind it; and if you fail to do this, the default shouldn't be "It's a miracle" but "I don't know what caused it, at least not yet".
2015-12-30 5:59 pm
I believe Jesus has performed a miracle during these last days. Matthew 28:18 and 20 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And Look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." There is a religion that is doing just that. From over 239 countries more than 9,500,000 persons are studying the Bible, all learning Bible truths and giving up traditions of men. Why? Jesus said these words concerning traditions. "You make the word of God invalid by your tradition which you handed down. And many things similar to this you do." Mark 7:13 The religion I am talking about uses the Bible to answer all questions. Those teaching the Bible are careful never to give their opinions but will do research from the Bible if unable to answer at the time they are questioned. See the Biblical website, and Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered. See also Bible videos such as Walk by Faith not by Sight and Why Study the Bible. When, after browsing the site, you find that you like what you are learning, you can request your FREE personal Bible study, even at a time and place convenient for you.
2015-12-30 7:32 pm
Definitely. My next door neighbour Kevin has a small dog which I think is either a shitz-hu or perhaps a boxer, whichever, but every morning it craps on my front lawn whilst his owner Kevin screams for MIRACLES GET BACK HERE! I can provide interested parties with photos of miracles too on request. So yes, miracles exists.
2015-12-31 3:59 am
I think it's important to first define "miracle." A miracle is some event that CANNOT happen naturally. It has to be something that can ONLY have a supernatural explanation or cause. Otherwise, how else can you distinguish a real miracle from a fortunate event that happens to meet your approval?

Second of all, how do we know if a miracle has occurred? It can only be through EVIDENCE. And it should be in a way that can be tested, observed and verified objectively. Otherwise, people can merely claim it, and be lying, or mistaken.

Sathya Sai Baba was an Indian Hindu mystic. It is said that he performed miracles--walked on water, healed the blind and sick, made prophesies that came true, resurrected the dead, and was resurrected from the dead himself. Does that make you believe Hinduism is true and the Hindu gods are real? For western Christians (and non-believers), the obvious answer is that Sai Baba was a clever charlatan. Yet there are thousands of witnesses--clearly "eyewitness testimony" is not enough. The evidence must be tested and verified objectively by multiple independent and skeptical observers.

So far, there is no such evidence for a bona fide miracle. Most things that people call "miraculous" are merely natural or man-made events that we approve of.
2015-12-30 5:32 pm
2015-12-30 5:30 pm
Events can seem miraculous but that doesn't mean they were some kind of supernatural intervention.
2015-12-30 5:28 pm
Yes I do.
2015-12-30 5:29 pm
Yes, I believe in miracles.
2015-12-30 10:16 pm
Some do, some don't.

There is no such thing as fate, only consequences.

I came from a strict Christian/Catholic family and I still believed in science.

The problem today is that we are all nieve people and our expectations are too high and when tragedy strikes, we lose our confidence.

I am a Christian no matter but I study science and Taoism and practice the works of Zen. It makes me more aware and alert.

In Newton's Third Law, he said, I quote:
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
參考: Research and education
2015-12-30 5:42 pm
sure .. a miracle is just something above what you understand ..
2015-12-30 5:33 pm
Depends on what you mean by "miracle"
Something that's unlikely to happen like winning the lottery? Absolutely! Unlikely things happen all the time!

Divine intervention that makes the impossible possible? Absolutely not.
2015-12-30 8:08 pm
If miracles didn't really exist, then how did Jesus raise from the dead?
Do you believe that he just raised by himself, by evolution or something?
Miracles really exist. If they didn't, then how did Moses cross the red sea?
2015-12-30 7:08 pm
Yes,Miracles are not like normal magic
They were done by different prophets and also by God
When Mosses did miracle then all normal magicians accepted their defeat and became believers of God,even pharaoh at that time failed
It means miracles are real,only atheists will call it stories
Atheists are denial of everything
2015-12-30 11:55 pm
Not only do i believe miracles exist, i see the miracles happening in my church and its so powerful and amazing. It's a proof that Jesus is alive.

If u heard to pay to see a miracle or have one, how much would you? In my church, you receive miracles free of charge. The lame work, the blind see, HIV AIDs, diabetes, cancer, anxiety disorder, insanity, spinal cord injury etc are healed instantly in the name of Jesus Christ. I hope you're not just asking, COME AND SEE. We have branches all over in the world..
2015-12-30 6:12 pm
Not biblical miracles, no.
2015-12-30 5:49 pm
Only COINCIDENCES EXIST miracles only happen in fantasies!!!I It was a coincidence that every one died but one, or all prayed and nothing happened, coincidence or miracle!!!
2015-12-30 5:32 pm
When I survived more then one near death experience..I guess,this says..I do.~*
2015-12-30 5:29 pm
2015-12-31 5:07 am
I don't think miracles really exist, because a miracle strictly speaking is something that contradicts the laws of nature and would, under normal circumstances, be considered impossible. Like Mary and the virgin birth for example. And I am a strict empiricist, I believe strictly that that which is the case can only be considered as true if it can be demonstrably proven to be the case. If you believe miracles really are true, then that leaves the door open to all the nonsense and the dogma that religion, for example, tries to pass off as absolute truth. So no, I don't believe that miracles really exist
2015-12-31 3:17 pm
No. Miracles are events that occurred naturally but at the time were considered as a mystical event. Much of the happenings in 2015 would be considered miracles if they occurred in 1015. Ask, is life a miracle?
2015-12-31 12:02 am
2015-12-30 10:47 pm
"It's true, all of it!" XD -Han Solo

Jokes aside:
Healings, dreams, unclean spirits manifesting, people's lives changing in seconds, yeah, I believe. :)
I was just talking this week to a man whom my cousin, though the Holy Ghost, healed of cancer.
(I don't expect people to believe this before experiencing it themselves tho...)
2015-12-30 8:31 pm
No, sin ce I've never had one.
2015-12-30 8:29 pm
2015-12-30 8:10 pm
By the power of God, yes they do :-)
2015-12-30 8:09 pm
yes i do
2015-12-30 7:32 pm
Yes. My existence itself is a miracle.
My mother couldn't give birth.
2015-12-30 7:14 pm
It depends on your definition of miracles. As I know it, a miracle is a supernatural event. So no. But a lot of people believe just beating the odds a miracle, but beating the odds is not a supernatural event.
2015-12-30 8:43 pm
No, I do not believe miracles (i.e. random suspensions of the natural order) exist, and nobody who does has any credible evidence to back up their claim.
2015-12-30 8:41 pm
A miracle is defined as something ... impossible.

The reports of miracles by popular Hindu and Buddhist gurus dont warrant an hour on the discovery channel. You place these "reports" of miracles in the pre-scientific Roman Empire they become compelling.

2015-12-30 6:15 pm
Certainly. I've both seen and experienced them.
2015-12-30 5:52 pm
Only an idiot would believe in ''miracles''. I cant believe people think magic is real in the 21st century...
2015-12-30 5:50 pm
Yes. The Bible is full of them.
2015-12-30 5:48 pm
Yes I strongly believe in Miracles ....
only when you except and believe and ready to move on.
2015-12-30 5:30 pm
Yes, example - Justin bieber becoming famous, when he has no talent.
2015-12-30 10:47 pm
Yes! When on earth Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and calmed storms He even raised the dead.
Why did he perform miracles ?
1) He felt pity for people who were suffering, and he wanted to help them.
2) His miracles proved that he was God's Son.
3) They showed what he will do for obedient mankind when he rules as King over the earth. - Matth.14:14; Mark 2:10-12; John 5:28,29.
參考: Bible
2015-12-30 5:31 pm
well, a lot of explaining is needed. where is the logic that miracles can and do exist. i dont believe in miracles because they presume god exist OR SOMETHING SUPERNATURAL. If you would have said extreme luck. I can go with that, but not miracles. everything has a reason. IF MIRACLES DO EXIST, THAT ALSO PRESUMES ITS A MIRACLE GOD EXIST. but nobody WOULD SAY LIFE IS MIRACLE because everyone can go to hell and burn for simply refusing to be religious and god accepting
2016-01-02 10:43 pm
ABSOLUTELY..............Resurrection, Creation, Virgin birth, He raised the dead, Healed the sick, Cleansed the leper, Set the captives free, changed water into wine, etc.

Evolutionists also believe in miracles.....nothing exploding into everything, life coming from non-life, one animal magically turning into a completely different one (None of this has ever been observed).
2016-01-02 7:41 am
before answering your question let me explain what would Miracles be ...anything which is beyond the understanding of human mind and science is called Miracle
If yes then I would say yes there are many things which happen in form of Miracles in the world.
Possibly they can be advanced science as well.

2016-01-02 4:10 am
Yes, I have seen them happen.
2016-01-01 12:10 pm
Miracles do exist, once one believe in Christ Jesus for salvation that the greatest miracle of all mother of all miracles, Jesus Christ came to save mankind from the dominion of Satan sin and death, while Jesus was performing miracles it was a taste to the actual mission.
2016-01-01 8:07 am
Of course!
2015-12-31 8:17 pm
2015-12-31 5:41 pm
oif course miracles exist it takes someone to be born again to see the kingdom of God, so i would assume it takes a believer, not a skeptic to define what a miracle is. however, Jesus did say that "signs are not given unto a an adulterous generation" so, if you are an unbeliever and not born again, of course you are not going to see any sign or a miracle unless its the sign of jonas or the sign of the coming of the son of man.
for me, miraculous answers has always followed me in life. blessings come from obedience predicated upon the commandments being obeyed. so repent and build up some faith. you will begin to see things that will blow your mind away.
thats what faith can do,...
2015-12-31 5:34 pm
YES Indeed still married to my wife [ 47 Years ]
Just stating
2015-12-31 4:33 pm
NO. 100% wishful thinking
2015-12-31 2:24 pm
I believe this to be the truth
there for I stop sin for 3 weeks
stop what I think is sin in my life
now I walk 2 a bus this man
keeps saying "I can't see out of 1 eye
I look at him the lord kind of says wait,
I look at him lord says wait'
I look at a seat and set on the bus
the man keeps saying I can't see
the doctor said "I'll b like this
the rest of my life"
we step of the bus he sets down
on the bench made of 10
I walk around him
he looks at me
I say something out of the Bible
and put my hand on his face
in Jesus name you are healed.
I hold hand on his face
I say oh the bus is coming
i have to go now.
I run 2 the bus
jump on then he walks to the bus
sets down he is crying
he says
"I can see"...........................
2015-12-31 12:02 pm
Yes, what they used to call miracles do exist.

A miracle is an explainable event that is caused by the other side of things. They are interdimensional in nature but have mundane explanations.

You really can part a sea you know. You just pick a good spot to go across and have your invisible **** set up and turn that **** on when people get there.

Walking on water, no problem. Just put down your imperceptible layering on the water and have the guy walk on it, something was holding him up but people could see it because they exist in the third dimension of things. The layering can even form to the surface of the water.

I've seen numerous happenings of this nature in my life. yes miracles are real but they were only scientifically explainable interdimensional workings.
2015-12-31 9:45 am
Do you "BELIEVE " ( accept as true ) Miracles REALLY EXIST ?

Real defined as Existing as a THING Occurring in FACT ( VERIFIED and INDISPUTABLE ) Not imagined or supposed .. LOL .....Miracles are VOID of Real for several reasons to start if one examines the actual definition of real . ( Standards) what ever the event that one is calling a miracle ( a surprising and WELCOME event that is NOT explicable by NATURAL or scientific laws and is therefore CONSIDERED to be the work of a DIVINE ( from or like god ) Agency ) to be real you would have to eliminate DIVINE ( god) because gods are not verified and indisputable occurring in FACT or proven

REAL actually existing as a THING Occurring in FACT NOT imagined or supposed For Miracles to come close to Real one must First PROVE the DIVINE AGENCY is REAL to do the event Its called DOMINOES Claims meaning one has Multiple Claims lined up Domino # 1 is God # 2 to # 10 are claims of God doing actions all the other dominoes all subsequent dominoes ACTIONS or EVENTS can only be true If you First Proved a god Exist or is real To do any claimed action to have legitimate claims of actions occurring God does not FIT REAL

Want to stump a Theist just ask them to define REAL then ask them if god fits that definition then watch them squirm to try and make the god fit the actual definition they themselves just gave you

they will rationalize like crazy and at the end will resort to Devaluing you as a person that there is something wrong with you as if it is something in Your character its called diverting from the issue there inability to make the god fit reals so its YOUR fault as a distraction of their own inability to be honest with themselves
2015-12-31 2:13 am
Miracles happen everyday

question is why people refuse to admit they do ?!!
2015-12-31 12:31 am
Miracles have been claimed to happen in all religions.

It is just the body healing itself, or coincidence. 99% of the time, prayers and healings don't happen, but religious people tend to selectively forget about it
2015-12-30 11:23 pm
yes life itself is a miracle.
2015-12-30 10:41 pm

Life itself is a miracle that very nearly never happened at all.
2015-12-30 10:13 pm
2015-12-30 9:44 pm
Yes miracles really do exist! ????????????????????
2015-12-30 8:04 pm
Define one.Then look at creation,only the spiritually blind don't see every thing God has done is a MIRACLE!
2015-12-30 6:55 pm
They certainly have for me and my family. Miraculous Interventions
2015-12-30 5:44 pm
actually, christian gets all of the publicity since america has a complete christianity-worshiping thing going; however, you are simnply reading these things in a literal sense and not in any depth.
there are religions which existed long before christianity, and they make the same miracles in their teachings. you should do a little more research.
it takes more than magic-occurrences to make a "truth".
2015-12-30 5:43 pm
Miracles are just like magic. People use those expressions to try to explain something they don't understand. So no, I don't believe in miracles just like I don't believe in magic.
2015-12-31 1:14 am
2015-12-31 12:30 am
2015-12-30 7:26 pm
Read David Hume's "Essay on Miracles."
2015-12-30 6:50 pm

The following incident has been related by Hadhrat Muftī Muhammad “Sādiq (may Allāh be pleased with him), a dear companion of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). He says:

When I was going to England, I had to pass through France, and the money I had with me was not enough. I was two pounds short. I thought that I should borrow the amount from someone on board. But there was none of my acquaintances on the ship on which I was traveling.

When I was completely disappointed, I prayed to my Lord, ‘My Lord of heaven and earth, O my God Who is the Creator of land and sea, You are Omnipotent. You know that I am proceeding on the way of tablīgh. You know that I am direly in need of two pounds. Therefore, please grant me this money. Drop it from the skies or bring it out of the deep, but grant my humble request and do provide me with this amount.

After praying, I became calm and was confident that Allāh will grant my request but could not understand how this need will be fulfilled in this alien land and from the alien people. Now, here comes the divine help. During the voyage, our ship dropped anchor at a port, which was not at all on its chartered route. I thought about getting down and seeing if I could meet an Ahmadī in that town, but could not get permission to go out of the ship. After a while,

I saw a boat plying towards our ship on which there was an Ahmadī brother, Hājī ‘Abdul-Karīm. Somehow, he had learned about me that I was proceeding to England on that ship. We met and had some talk. While
departing, he dropped two pounds in my pocket saying, I should have brought some mithā’ī (sweets) for you, but I did not know that the ship will stop here. Therefore,please accept these two pounds as gift.

2nd Incident

The Story of about a saint companion of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) whose name was Hadhrat Maulānā Ghulām Rasūl Rājaikī (may Allāh be pleased with him). He has written about his tablīgh adventures in his autobiography, a five-volume book named Hayāt-i-Qudsī. All his life was spent in tablīgh and under its blessings.

Allāh had granted him special gift of miraculous acceptance of prayers. On one occasion, he has written:
Due to my tablīgh of Ahmadiyyat, Allāh had granted me a spiritual ecstasy. Due to this, it sometimes
happened that whatever I said, or prayed for the sick or the needy, Allāh accepted my prayer forthwith and
removed the difficulties of the people.

He has written that once he addressed a meeting in a village named Makhnawāli and especially mentioned about the miracles and other signs of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) as proof of his truth.
After the meeting, when he came to the mosque for offering his prayers, two Machhīs (water carriers by profession) of the village came after him. They shouted, “You clamor about the coming of Mahdī and Messiah, but don’t have so much faith that you could show some miracle.”

” One of them said that his brother was suffering from hiccup ailment since last eighteen months. Doctors and physicians had failed to cure him. If Ahmadiyyat is true, he (Maulānā Rājaikī) should show some proof of it so the people would see themselves the difference between Ahmadīs and non-Ahmadīs. Hadhrat Maulānā says that Allāh granted him a special state at that time and he asked the man to bring to him the patient.

The man presented his sick brother who was just by his side and crying with pain. Hadhrat Maulānā says the following and I quote in his own words:

The moment I saw the patient, I felt an invisible power and a spiritual force in me. I had the feeling that I
was granted a divine blessing to remove that disease in a miraculous way. I asked the patient to lie on his side and breathe quickly for three or four times. I had said this due to a state of revelation.

He obeyed me and I asked him to stand up, and when he got up, his hiccup had gone. When the people saw the miracle, they were all 21 dazed. Both brothers announced loudly that they believed that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulām Ahmad was really a true person and his blessed signs were really unique.
2015-12-30 6:38 pm
2015-12-30 6:05 pm
With enough Faith Miracles can & DO still happen today in the lives of many who know & love Jesus Christ.
Miracles are a matter of Faith and not for public recognition and worldly acclaim.
Miracles happen in my life - personally & intimately all the time.
2015-12-30 5:35 pm

i don't believe in supernatural beings of any kind of magic of any kind.
2015-12-30 7:43 pm
I don't merely believe, I know miracles are real. I survived a car accident when medical personnel thought it was impossible. My survival, and continuance to function is a continuing miracle.
2015-12-30 5:41 pm
Depending on the definition of "miracles," yes.

Extremely unlikely events? Yes, of course.

Acts of divine intervention? Yes.

Supernatural acts that defy natural laws? No.
2015-12-31 4:22 am
GOD empowered Jesus to do things that other humans could not do. Jesus performed a great many miracles—often in front of crowds of eyewitnesses. Those miracles demonstrated that Jesus has power over enemies and obstacles that imperfect humans have never been able to combat with lasting success.

Why did Jesus perform all those miracles? After all, did not death eventually claim all those whom he helped? Yes, but Jesus’ miracles did lasting good. They proved that all the thrilling prophecies about the rule of the Messianic King had a basis in fact. There is no need to doubt that God’s appointed King can eradicate hunger, sickness, dangerous weather, wicked spirits, or death itself. He has already demonstrated that God has put all such power in his hands.
2015-12-30 5:30 pm
2016-01-03 11:24 pm
2016-01-03 5:54 pm
What do you think then about messengers miracles...
2016-01-03 11:38 am
Well you tell me. My daughter found she had lymphoma at stage four...
it was in her bone marrow even. When I learned of this, it had progressed
to that stage in one month's time....a very rare and fast growing type.

I asked God what should I do, and the verse came to me to "pray in
agreement with someone, and the "prayer of faith will heal the sick"
I called the 700 Club on CBN and asked for someone with real faith in
healing to pray with me.

The next time they tested my daughter, they could find no trace of the
cancer at all! A miracle? I would say so, and I have told many people
about it. Today, about 20 years later she is just fine!
2016-01-03 10:21 am
No. No one can make a miracle. What a lot of Tripe. The Catholic Church has always been a lot of Tripe, believing such things. For example, Pope John Pauls blood was taken before he Died, so they knew he was going to be made a Saint. I say, get real you Catholics
2016-01-03 5:05 am
Have you ever experienced anything that you could vaguely describe as a miracle? Probably not I suggest.

A miracle is roughly something that happens against all odds of expectancy, odds or natural law. And although such things do happen against such odds, they are rarely fortuitous which is desired if the term miracle is to be applied. And remember magicians make a lot of money by simply giving the impression of a miracle.

Also consider winning the lottery .... with odds of 73 million to one ( on certain lotteries for example ) anyone getting the jackpot could be described as indeed a miracle event. But remember with 100 million plus people playing, someone, somewhere, is likely to hit the right combination. The miracle is perception and nothing else.
2016-01-03 3:42 am
The very fact that we develop into a human being with all our five senses, a heart, two lungs, etc. etc.from a mere speck of sperm and a microscopic egg coming together is a miracle. Life is a miracle, isn't it?
2016-01-02 11:51 pm
Yes, they've happened to my parents and I'm pretty sure god has spoken to me. God has also spoken to my dad. One time my mom was making bread and she did the recipe wrong so she made a cross in it and it came out really good. This is the only reason I'm Christian, even though I hate being one it has to be true.
2016-01-02 7:30 pm
That I exist is a miracle in its self
2016-01-02 5:46 pm
Cowardly morons believe anything that makes them feel good but magical miracles are total bullsh!t. Magic is not real.
2016-01-02 2:14 pm
It is not necessary for God to perform such miracles at this time to attest to Jesus Christ as his appointed deliverer, or to provide proof that he is backing up his servants. Even if God should continue to give his servants the ability to perform miracles, that would not convince everyone, for not even all the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miracles were moved to accept his teachings. (John 12:9-11) The record of Bible miracles builds faith that God will, in the future, intervene in a miraculous way, healing and blessing faithful humankind. (Revelations 21:4)
2016-01-02 12:15 pm
Do we believe Jesus died for us, was buried, rose from the dead; he will come again to judge the living and the dead, yes,yes,,yes.
2016-01-02 8:52 am
Yeah..there is some magic...miracle is exist in the world.
2016-01-02 8:07 am
Yes it was before according to The Holly Quran, after the Prophet Mohammad it closed the Miracle file. People believe it or not now each every beings taking or bringing along birth the life script which wrote by the God. It must have to be done by like or dislike, it would be called fate/fortune which can not be change, exchange, transfer, post pond, delay, sell or buy.
2016-01-02 5:03 am
the only real mirales are found in Star Wars /Star trek/lord of the rings /harry potter.

these rare the only real miracles. all others are fake fake fake.
2016-01-02 4:09 am
Yes, I do but i think the term is overused nowdays...
Biblically, yes, I do believe so and they were necessary to get people to believe the ''message".
It depends on your beliefs and how prepared you are to research for yourself... as a people we do not have the resources to truly find out if things 'scientifically' occured; if the thing did possibly happen, it is considered something like an "outlier" possibility.
2016-01-02 4:03 am
I am a christian.
Yes, miracles is a fact.
It is a supernatural thing that takes place eg. a demon-possessed person is healed.
2016-01-02 3:39 am
Yes, but of course people perceive what they want to and ignore what they want to. It's striking that many putative non-believers spend so much time and effort trying to disprove such. Why?..... It's interesting all in itself, and suggestive.
2016-01-02 1:44 am
2016-01-02 1:06 am
It is an event that surpasses all known human and natural powers and is usually attributed to some sort of supernatural power.
“Miracles, by definition, violate the principles of science.”—RICHARD DAWKINS, FORMER PROFESSOR FOR PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE
“Belief in miracles is entirely rational. Far from being an embarrassment to religious faith, they are signs of God’s love for, and continuing involvement in, creation.”—ROBERT A. LARMER, PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY.

Jesus cautioned his followers: “Be on the watch for the false prophets . . . Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works [miracles] in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.”—Matthew 7:15, 21-23.
Clearly, so-called miraculous healing can come from a source other than God. To avoid being deceived by those who claim to work miracles in God’s name, we need to gain accurate knowledge of God, to use our God-given ability to reason, and to learn how to identify those who are doing his will.—Matthew 7:16-19; John 17:3; Romans 12:1, 2
Through his Word, the Bible, Jehovah God has promised that he will restore Paradise to this earth. (2 Peter 3:13) But for that to happen, wickedness will first have to be removed, completely cut away. (Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21, 22) All the woeful conditions that we see around us must be eradicated before a paradise can be reestablished. It will literally take a miracle for that to happen!—Revelation 21:4, 5.
For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below "Online Library" search box. Also for free downloads, publications or read online.. You can read online the brochure "Good News from God" or any other publications.
2016-01-02 12:47 am
Yes Holy ones and unholy ones, but by different sources just as was done pre exodus in Egypt, and by Satanic means in some modern Magic also.
2016-01-02 12:08 am
2016-01-01 11:47 pm
No, because I don't suffer from psychosis!
2016-01-01 10:34 pm
Yes, I believe miracles exist b/c I've experienced a few in my life. I was driving home on a Friday night and decided to stop at the corner store to get some things. I parked my car across the streets for a 4 lane busy street. When I got out of my car there were no cars coming, but I was in a good mood and decided to run across the street. It was dark out I saw no headlights, but as I was running I heard a distinct male voice in my ear that said "stop." I was in a gallop running but froze instantly---everything went black, I couldn't see anything, but felt a swift wind blow past me. Seemed like a car, but as I was froze in blackness I didn't see anything. After what must have been a car sped past me my right leg then came down to the ground and even though I was running I was stopped before I was hit! I was a little shaken and didn't know what to believe. If that car? had hit me I would be dead.
2016-01-01 10:08 pm
2016-01-01 9:00 pm
Yes I do.
2016-01-01 8:40 pm
2016-01-01 8:31 pm
Yes I have been healed many times. My parents have the gift to heal, cast out demons, speak in tongues, many more. And I can heal by Jesus. It's all because of Jesus! Look up "street healing in Jesus name" u will find a lot!! Good luck! ????????????
2016-01-01 8:21 pm
2016-01-01 8:20 pm
2016-01-01 4:48 pm
Yeah I think they exist
2016-01-01 4:38 pm
2016-01-01 4:24 pm
My liberation by Yeshua was a miracle
2016-01-01 4:23 pm
Life is a miracle in my opinion. That really exists.
2016-01-01 4:15 pm
Yes I do.
2016-01-01 3:12 pm
2016-01-01 2:31 pm
2016-01-01 1:16 pm
yes. the birth of a child is a miracle.

When the pope canonizes saints that means that person has had at least 2 miracles occur in their name (people that prayed to that certain person). There are a lot of saints.
2016-01-01 12:26 pm
I piss fire so yes
2016-01-01 10:53 am
Of course not.
2016-01-01 10:46 am
Miracles are just strange occurrences that common people cant explain but scientists can. Every so called miracle has a natural explanation.
2016-01-01 10:26 am
Well if you are in love, and all in like Taj Mahal, then yes?.
2016-01-01 10:09 am
2016-01-01 9:50 am
Well maybe it really do exist
2016-01-01 8:34 am
2016-01-01 6:56 am

Miracle exists if we keep our faith and keep trying.

Impossible things could be possible.
2016-01-01 5:24 am
Miracles do not happen, it is all a Chance - that happens.
2016-01-01 5:08 am
No, next question.
2016-01-01 4:06 am
Sure. do. Jesus is real, and he loves me like a daughter. He say's I have a heart of gold. How much crazy..can it get? Of course it's a miracle to " Talk" to jesus christ, and have connections with being psychic on a "spiritual plane". It's not to " often" jesus can communicate with a messenger from god!
It's a miracle to even have a super powers.
2016-01-01 3:00 am
If miracles really exist, why has no one been able to prove even one of them. Starting in 1922, many rewards have been offered for anyone who could prove a miracle or something paranormal or supernatural, but not one person been able to prove their claim. If you want to claim a miracle, prove it. Here's the list of prizes you can claim:
2016-01-01 2:37 am
I hope they do.
2016-01-01 2:13 am
Certainly, they are documented events beyond explanation.
They happen all the time, ask any doctor or minister.
2016-01-01 2:00 am
2016-01-01 1:56 am
Yes just look in the mirror, are you a series of random accidents or created. I was created!
2015-12-31 11:45 pm
2015-12-31 11:09 pm
GTFO out of that nonsense.
2015-12-31 10:38 pm
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Phillippians 4:13
2015-12-31 10:34 pm
Mircales by god? No.
2015-12-31 10:27 pm
2015-12-31 9:39 pm
What's your definition of miracle?
2015-12-31 9:31 pm
2015-12-31 9:31 pm
2015-12-31 8:40 pm
Of course. Just imagine the possibility of the American public voting into the office of president an anti American not only once but twice.
2015-12-31 8:35 pm
2015-12-31 8:19 pm
Yes,because nothing is impossible with God. Certain things have happened in the world that not even science has been able to explain. Hence,miracles do exist because God exists! :)
參考: Christian,wishing peace to each and everyone no matter what religion you are
2015-12-31 8:15 pm
: The Bible relies on miracles to make people believe. The Bible does not tell us to believe all miracles. In fact, the opposite is true. The Bible warns us to be very careful when it comes to trusting miracles and powerful signs. Notice this clear warning: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives.”—2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10,
2015-12-31 8:08 pm
Define "miracles".
2015-12-31 8:02 pm
Have you checked with ICP?
2015-12-31 7:32 pm
yes for example some cancer patients who through prayer & faith make it through their illness at a way shorter time than expected.(you can hear of such a story in R.Kelly's song you saved me).
2015-12-31 7:29 pm
An event whose explanation goes beyond the normal,human, medical, intelectual explation can be described as a miracle. Human history is full of them. If one does not believe in them, it does not mean they do not exist. It simply means one has not experienced a miracle. Supernatural intervention in human history is a miracle. Your brain is not designed to understand it.
2015-12-31 7:05 pm
Well, I ve experienced between two and four myself--two if you use the strict definitionemployed by the Vatican s investigators, four if you use the common-sense "stuff like that just doesn t happen" approach. So yeah, I believe miracles (which are no more a violation of the laws of nature than my throwing a tennis ball is a violation of the law of gravity) happen.
2015-12-31 6:57 pm
yes I have experienced several
2015-12-31 6:53 pm
NO. Strange things happen and our brains have evolved to recognize patterns and attribute agency to events that we can't readily explain. Miracles are formed in the mind, they aren't real events with agency.
2015-12-31 6:51 pm
2015-12-31 5:45 pm
Yes, I do. Many things that we think are impossible, are actually possible!!
2015-12-31 5:11 pm
yes ..that 's depending on your beleive
2015-12-31 3:31 pm
yes just look at me...
2015-12-31 3:26 pm
oh, yeah. also Santa and the Tooth Fairy and gremlins.
2015-12-31 3:18 pm
YES, all the time!
Anyone who thinks about 'existence' would be convinced that our own kind of living is a real, real miracle!
2015-12-31 2:55 pm
Miracles are occurrences that excite wonder or astonishment; effects in the physical world that surpass all known human or natural powers and are therefore attributed to supernatural agency. (1 Chronicles 16:11,12) “Powerful works,” “ability,” “miracle.”—Matthew 25:15; Luke 6:19 AT, KJ, NW, R-S.
A miracle, amazing to the eye of the beholder, is something beyond his ability to perform or even to understand fully. It is also a powerful work, requiring greater power or knowledge than he has. But from the viewpoint of the one who is the source of such power, it is not a miracle. He understands it and has the ability to do it. Thus, many acts that God performs are amazing to humans beholding them but are merely the exercise of his power. If a person examines God's creations, he cannot consistently deny God’s power to accomplish things awe-inspiring to the eyes of men.—Romans 1:20.
I believe miracles really exist! Even scientists no longer claim that a certain thing is impossible. “A scientist is no longer able to say honestly something is impossible. He can only say it is improbable. But he may be able to say something is impossible to explain in terms of our present knowledge. Science cannot say that all properties of matter and all forms of energy are now known. . . . [For a miracle] one thing that needs to be added is a source of energy unknown to us in our biological and physiological sciences. In our Scriptures this source of energy is identified as the power of God.” (Time, July 4, 1955) So much more has been discovered since then.
You might believe in the miracles recorded in the Bible, such as Moses’ parting of the Red Sea. You may also believe that miracles occur in our time. Belief in miracles is not limited just to Christians. According to the Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions, belief in miraculous events “is a feature of practically all religions.” And then there are those who might say “I don’t know, and I don’t care! Miracles don’t happen in my life!” But should you be interested in miracles?
Consider this scenario: Imagine that you have an incurable disease. If you were to read a report in a reputable medical journal about a new medicine that might cure your sickness, would it not be worthwhile to expend at least a little time and energy to investigate the facts? Similarly, the Bible promises that soon some amazing miracles will occur. They will affect the lives of every living creature on this planet. Would it not be worth some of your time and energy to find out whether that promise is reliable? Through his Word, the Bible, Jehovah God has promised that he will restore Paradise to this earth. (2 Peter 3:13) But for that to happen, wickedness will first have to be removed, completely cut away. (Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21, 22) All the woeful conditions that we see around us must be eradicated before a paradise can be reestablished. It will literally take a miracle for that to happen!—Revelation 21:4, 5
2015-12-31 2:43 pm
Of course.

Spiritual abilities (like the ability to perform miracles, to foretell the future and to heal) do not lie inherent in man but are given either by God or by demons. God as the Holy Spirit abides within true Christians and out of His grace gives to us His gifts for the building up of the Church.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 lists the nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit: Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Miracles, Healings, Discerning of Spirits, Prophecy, Faith, Knowledge and Wisdom.

Demons possess counterfeit versions of every one of these gifts and give them to persons who have opened doorways to receive them through sinful practices especially those of occultism. For instance, demons give psychic abilities to psychics and mediums. In Acts 16 after Paul cast out the fortune-telling demon from the girl in the name of Jesus Christ, she lost the ability to know hidden things and tell the future.

Persons who have demonic gifts suffer spiritual oppression as they are possessed by the demons who give these gifts to them. These evil spirits can be transferred from person to person and can also pass down the generation line. The only way a person can be free of demonic possession and spiritual oppression is by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and calling on His name for deliverance.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner.
I repent of my sins.
Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood;
come into my heart.
I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior.

2015-12-31 2:37 pm
Yes Jesus Christ is Lord He preformed many miracles the greatest being conquering Death through His Resurrection and forgiving us of his sin
2015-12-31 2:07 pm
I believe in miracles! And the way they come is through the natural plane , or else how can we receive it ?
2015-12-31 1:56 pm
miracles are just ways to explain peoples bullshit and cheating/doping in sports
2015-12-31 1:40 pm
2015-12-31 1:23 pm
Miracle is the part and parcel of universe. In nature, there are countless miraculous acts every second
2015-12-31 1:20 pm
No. Miracles are usually coincidence.
2015-12-31 12:59 pm
I believe that miracles really exist but I don't care it too much.
2015-12-31 12:57 pm
I do believe. The universe we live in has many miracles. It ranges from rain to the very existence of the earth
2015-12-31 12:39 pm
I do believe. Each and every activity in human body is a miracle.
2015-12-31 12:25 pm
Human life itself is a great miracle. I do believe
2015-12-31 12:20 pm
'Miracles' are a suspension of what we call The Laws of Nature and what we call 'Laws' are simply our subjective codification of what we believe to be normal and necessary in the functioning of the Universe as we understand it. (The last four words here are important!). A codified system of behaviour for things in the Universe as we see it is not an objective but by definition a subjective understanding and so suspension of those laws simply to present us with something we do not understand in the context in which we do not expect it, although rare, is not impossible since our 'laws' have to essentially inductive structures and laws expressing greatest probability rather than certainty. It is then the cause of those miracles rather than the occurrences themselves and their timing in relation to a prediction of their occurrence which takes us one stage further from normality and stretches our understanding yet further. According to the definition above miracles, once we have ruled out other explanations not known by the historical witnesses of them, could occur. According to witnesses they did occur. As Sherlock Holmes said "When you have discounted all the likely causes what remains, however unlikely, is the explanation."
2015-12-31 10:54 am
2015-12-31 10:42 am
One great miracle is still in existence. Everyone knows it but no one talks about it.
2015-12-31 10:32 am
There is no evidence that anything supernatural exists in the universe. So, no there are no miracles.
2015-12-31 10:29 am
Well of course not,the only recorded miracles,are printed in the bible,and that has now been proofed that it is a book of fiction,and is no better than an adventure comic right.
2015-12-31 9:56 am
Meaning is subjective, in otherwords, defining something as miraculous depends on the person involved. A miracle is something you can't attribute to logic. If you take those from Bible stories, even turning water to wine could be explained if it was known how the transformation was peformed. Clearly it wasn't impossible otherwise it wouldn't have happened, but to us it is a miracle. If we understood how matter and energy worked on all levels and in all dimensions and understood the supernatural we could perform these feats ourselves. With knowledge of everything we would be like Gods as it says in the Bible. I can say that and don't believe it's blasphemous. We're God's children and created in His image, we only differ in our knowledge. I don't think we could actually ever attain that knowledge though, because I'm not sure our minds could handle all the realities. I think having different levels of consciousness points to the fact we need to deal with certain truths in layers and metaphors to maintain our mental stability.
2015-12-31 8:52 am
I've had Him do some when i needed Him to help me so it wouldn't be logical to believe that they don't exist.
T <3 :)
2015-12-31 8:41 am
The so called miracles could only be accomplished with alien technology.
2015-12-31 8:39 am
2015-12-31 6:44 am
2015-12-31 5:09 am
N. O.
2015-12-31 5:06 am
meow im a cat
2015-12-31 3:56 am
2015-12-31 3:41 am
2015-12-31 3:39 am
My life has been full of graces! I am not afraid to tell anyone and I am a sinner, saved by the blood of Christ Jesus. I do pray with my heart and I earnestly say the scriptural rosary, go to Mass and confession. If you only knew how much God loves us and is waiting for us to come to him in intimate prayer. The 15 prayers of St Bridget are especially important for me, when I want to get through a needful time.
2015-12-31 3:36 am
2015-12-31 3:17 am
Wouldn't that imply that god favors some people over others? Do they pray more effectively? Does god prefer certain physical carachteristics? Is its decision (to grant a miracle) influenced by the amount of money you give to your church?
2015-12-31 3:03 am
No, but when I actually see one, I might change my mind.
2015-12-31 1:46 am
2015-12-31 1:16 am
yes I am a walking miracle I survived breast cancer but almost died of leukemia
2015-12-31 1:06 am
I certainly hope so.
2015-12-31 12:19 am
2015-12-31 12:09 am
I don't see why not.
2015-12-30 11:16 pm
They do exist but not in extreme ways as religion condemns
2015-12-30 11:12 pm
A miracle is an event which cannot happen (impossible). So by definition, they cannot happen.
2015-12-30 11:03 pm
I believe it's all down to you're own experience and completely depends on what you've experienced yourself to answer that question.
2015-12-30 10:14 pm
2015-12-30 9:56 pm
Yes really
2015-12-30 9:55 pm
2015-12-30 9:39 pm
I believe they do, you can think otherwise. x
2015-12-30 9:34 pm
2015-12-30 9:29 pm
I agree with khakidoodle - miracles are an everyday occurrence. We have the power within us to perform them, it's the power we can summon within ourselves to help ourselves and others. It's done by using the same power that gives you life, make trees and flowers grow or makes water flow.
They are more normal that you are lead to believe.
2015-12-30 9:22 pm
2015-12-30 9:19 pm
2015-12-30 9:17 pm
No I just believe in luck
2015-12-30 9:15 pm
yes.. i know of lots
2015-12-30 8:31 pm
They happen , but not because of some imaginary being . They just happen .
2015-12-30 8:29 pm
2015-12-30 7:48 pm
Yes but not on a grand scale.
2015-12-30 7:34 pm
To an extent yes, however given that I see no intervention on a grand scale on behalf of humanity than NO. HUMANITY itself needs a miracle or two to END WAR, POVERTY, STARVATION, etc. If those miracles happen than perhaps I may/might not be so skeptical. PEACE!
2015-12-30 6:07 pm
Yes I do. Think about it, a miracle is sometimes a shift in perception nothing more.
2016-01-01 3:38 am
Miracles? There is an inconvenient little file where we put everything we don't understand.

No I don't classify unordinary things we cant explain as yet as miracles. When I was a young guy most of what we enjoy today would be considered miraculous.

The Creator of the multiverse certainly has abilities we do not understand as yet but miracles? I wouldn't call them miracles. I have learned to accept the unexplained in my life.
2015-12-31 12:44 pm
Exodus 4:21 says, "And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “After you have gone and returned to Egypt see that YOU men actually perform all the miracles that I have put in your hand before Pharaoh." This scripture shows that miracles were performed in bible times, also Jesus and his apostles performed miracles when they were here on earth, but I don't believe that they exist today.
2015-12-31 8:28 am
Oh, sure. People get well for no reason all the time, when experts know they should have died or at least that there was no rational reason for them to get better.

Then there's the folks who get sidetracked for some crazy reason -- a one-time thing -- and find themselves right where they need to be to help someone out. I've been involved in these, and know people who have experienced this.

Folks just say they are due to chance, and they're absolutely entitled to their opinion, but they get angry if I ask for the same privilege. Oh well....
2015-12-31 6:30 am
Yes. They happen to those who r in some way in abundance of something
2015-12-31 12:44 am
Some beliefs are private and not for public scrutiny.
2015-12-30 11:56 pm
2015-12-30 8:45 pm
No but I believe in karma
2015-12-30 7:08 pm
'Miracle' and 'magic' are just words used by confused people when they should use 'unexplained' and 'I can't figure it out'.
2015-12-30 6:39 pm
2015-12-30 6:18 pm
Not the miracles of the bible, per say, but they happen everyday. A miracles is a phenomenon that happens in the physically world for which scientists at present have no real explanation.
2015-12-31 3:04 am
I believe that miracles served its purpose especially in biblical times. In 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 it says, "Whether there are gifts of prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with.” Paul explains that these (miracles) gifts would pass away once they were no longer needed.

Back then people did not have access to the bible. Most miracles were used to declare Jesus Christ as Gods son. Miracles were also used to provide proof that almighty God backed his servants during that time.

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