Dog Shipping from UK to US?

2015-12-30 2:57 pm
hi, i was on asking questions about getting my french bulldog shipped from the UK to the US, we think that we are going to go with a IPTA registered shipping company.

he is the question, what is the process when the dog lands in the US, does it automatically clear customs or does it sill have to, im just afraid of us spending all this money and the dog being stopped at customs, any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!

回答 (5)

2015-12-30 3:22 pm
it does not matter if you bring the dog or you ship it still will need ..........a micro chip...... 2 rabies shots 6 months apart ,then another 180 days after that before the dogs can travel .......this dog is not going anywhere any time soon................ I just went through this with a friend is just as I said ... my answer stands.... look it up yourself
2015-12-30 6:32 pm
The shipping agent will make sure you're all set. I essentially walked through customs with my puppy.
2015-12-30 4:41 pm
There is a mandatory quarantine, you better look into that a lot more.
With incorrect papers the dog will be returned or destroyed

It is essential that all pets entering the USA must have the correct accompanying paperwork. Sadly, pets excluded from entry into the United States must either be exported or destroyed. While awaiting disposition, pets will be detained at the owner's expense at the port of arrival. Generally, all pets must be imported or exported through one of the following designated ports.
2015-12-30 4:08 pm

Puppies and Kittens
US puppy or kitten importPuppies and kittens having reached 3 months of age must be vaccinated for rabies and wait for 30 days before entering the United States.

Unvaccinated puppies younger than 3 months entering the United States with their owner and not intended for resale are permitted entry to the US only if they are pre-approved for home confinement by the Center for Disease Control.

Puppies entering the United States intended for resale* may not enter the United States until fully vaccinated and 6 months of age. This includes puppies being imported from Puerto Rico and all US territories. An exception would be puppies being imported for veterinary treatment that is unavailable in the originating country or puppies being used for research purposes. Puppies will also be required to have all DHLPP shots and an import permit prior to entering. *The term “resale” includes, but is not limited to, any transfer of ownership or control of imported dogs to another person, for more than de minimis consideration. So, if you were purchasing a puppy to import to the US from another country, it must be healthy, fully vaccinated for rabies (not before 3 months of age) and be 6 months of age before entering the country.

As I told you in your last question though, if you've found a cheap French Bulldog then be very very sure of its origins before taking it on. If it has been shipped from Eastern Europe forget it.
2016-01-21 6:26 pm
Lots of bad advice here. Go to the British Airways website and look at their pet handling area. Essentially you can freely take animals from a rabies free country (UK) to a rabies controlled country (US). What is difficult is the other way around, for that you need a microchip and rabies titre.

My dog is one of a litter of 8 that came to the US from Ireland at the age of 10 weeks. They were intended for resale. They had only had their first round of shots. There was absolutely no issue about bringing them in other than the stress of the trip of course.

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