Can my kitten O.d. on sugar based ham?

2015-12-30 3:35 am
I ve been feeding my kitten sugar base ham, and for some reason he is just sniffing for hours now for something around the house everywhere. Does anyone think he just got to much sugar, and if so what do I do?

回答 (2)

2016-09-13 12:45 pm
參考: The Complete Diabetes Solution -
2015-12-30 6:18 pm
Is your cat diabetic, ma'am?

If you're not sure, keep an eye on him to see if he's urinating more than he normally does; look to see if he's losing weight. Is he eating more than he normally does? Is he sleeping more than he normally does? Is he behaving 'strangely' ... or more than he normally would? Does he seem weaker on his legs, or does he appear 'confused' about what, or where, he is? Is he bumping into things?

Some, or all, of the above MIGHT be symptoms that he is diabetic, but you would need to take him to see the vet so that he could have his blood checked to either confirm, or refute, that suspicion.

Apart from that, you can NOT "O.d." on any food. (You CAN eat too much food, but tha's NOT the same as overdosing.)
參考: The above symptoms are what we noticed with one of our previous dogs, who did turn out to be diabetic.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:05:56
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