If God creates everything, and he creates these things for a reason, what is the reason that he created atheists?

2015-12-30 12:21 am

Acts 17:24 " The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth." If you believe the bible is infallible, then God obviously did create "EVERYTHING", including atheists.

回答 (23)

2015-12-30 12:22 am
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Atheists were not created. They were born.
2015-12-30 12:24 am
To intellectually annihilate Christians.
2015-12-30 12:21 am
False premise, God doesn't create everything. God initially created beings who in turn can create also.
2015-12-30 12:32 am
Here is one person's take:

One clever student asks
“What lesson can we learn from atheists?
Why did God create them?”

The Master responds “God created atheists
to teach us the most important lesson of them all
– the lesson of true compassion.
You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity,
visits someone who is sick,
helps someone in need,
and cares for the world,
he is not doing so
because of some religious teaching.
He does not believe that god commanded him
to perform this act.
In fact, he does not believe in God at all,
so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality.
And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others
simply because he feels it to be right.”

“This means,” the Master continued
“that when someone reaches out to you for help,
you should never say ‘I pray that God will help you.’
Instead for the moment,
you should become an atheist,
imagine that there is no God who can help,
and say 'I will help you.’”

ETA source: Tales of Hasidim Vol. 2 by Mar


John Popelish
2015-12-30 12:22 am
So you can ask this question ;) All part of God's grand plan.
2015-12-30 12:22 am
Its rather like this

God creates people
People form beliefs and make choices based upon their beliefs
God judges people for the choices WE make
2015-12-31 1:56 pm

god dont exist and therefore didnt create anything
2015-12-30 8:59 pm
Well, ask yourself this question: What makes an atheist an atheist? Is it not a lie? Jehovah God exists. But they have believed the lie saying that He does not exist. Now ask yourself: who is the father of the lie? Is it not Satan? Please read John 8:44. If you read the other parts around that scripture, you will see that those who lie are making themselves Satan's sons and daughters. However they are not necessarily lying on purpose. So that is on their side. But, deep down, all know Jehovah exists. There are just so many lies out there that it is tough to believe in God, sometimes.
2015-12-30 8:33 am
God gives us free will to make our own choices- we just have to reap the consequences of those actions. Plus, every person has the potential and opportunity to accept Jesus Christ in their heart and have their lives completely changed around.
2015-12-30 6:05 am
He did not, everyone makes their own decision.
2015-12-30 2:17 am
God created humans with free will. People choose to become atheist...
2015-12-30 2:11 am
For spiritual target practice!
2015-12-30 2:10 am
To tempt the believers faith in God. Atheists are devil's agents on earth.

And when I say God, I don't mean Jesus, for Jesus ain't God, but Allah is.
2015-12-30 1:20 am
To inject a level of intelligence into the fundie community.
2015-12-30 1:12 am
God created no atheists. You are gravely mistaken. Human beings choose this path, based on their ignorance of God, or based on their refusal to surrender their cherished sins, or their inability to rectify a God of love with all the suffering they see and feel in this world. Also, they may be indoctrinated into atheism by these corrupt institutions they claim are for higher learning.
2015-12-30 12:59 am
No god created the universe, Earth or humans. They all came about by natural processes, not supernatural ones.

It was humans who created gods. We can see this clearly because there is not one god but many; not one belief system but many; not one sacred text but many; not one creation story but many. If there was a god then humans would all believe in the one god, have the same belief system, share one sacred text and all would have come to be by a single creation. The many deities, belief systems, sacred texts and creation myths all demonstrate that over human history different cultures have created different religions. Not a single one of them is true. It is very telling that each one claims to be the one true faith but none explain how so many other religions have developed. Not only are there many religions but some have numerous different forms. The number of Christian denominations exceeds 30,000 and grows almost daily. Proof not of a god but that humans create religions and that many want their own version of it.
2015-12-30 12:30 am
He created us all with free will because love isn't love if it's forced. We all have the free will to lead a good life or a sh*tty life, just as we have the free will to believe or not believe in god. God didn't 'create' atheists, he created humans with free will and with free will our lives are a gamble as far as what we want to do with them, or what we want to believe.

Everyone has their reasons, however, in why they choose to believe or not believe in god. Some are good reasons, some are not. God knows our hearts and will judge us all, Christian or not Christian with consideration of all the things that have impacted on our belief system and the way we have lived our life.
2015-12-30 12:29 am
A person can know many truths by saying daily and with care the angelic psalter of the Blessed Virgin.
2015-12-30 12:26 am
He created man with the ability to follow Him or not to follow Him. Atheists just ignore the fact that God is. It is that simple.
2015-12-30 12:25 am
atheists randomly appeared just like the universe did according to them
2015-12-30 12:27 am
1. Which god are you talking about? Lord Brahmas, Zeus, Goddess of Mercy, Jade Emperor, Thor, Lord Krishna or Monkey God?

2. Religions were made by humans, out of superstition and the lack of understanding of the natural world.
2015-12-30 12:24 am
God allows Atheists to exist by their free will because they have offspring that choose Jesus by their free will
2015-12-30 12:23 am
The Bible provides an answer. You may not like it.

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