Facebook identity theft threat?

2015-12-29 5:21 am
I friended someone who said she was a model. Then she sent me very long messages, saying some strange things. The photo didn't really show her face. So I unfriended her. Could it be identity theft and what should I do?

回答 (2)

2015-12-29 8:37 am
Just block her. And try to report her on fb
2015-12-29 6:22 am
This is why you don't friend people you don't know, they are always scams
You really think a model needs to go online to friend complete strangers?

It's only identity theft if they used a real model's name, date of birth, photos, etc. but then the real model is the only one who could file an identity theft report

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:22:49
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