Why are they taking dance academy off of Netflix? This makes me so mad I just started watching five episodes of the first season!?

2015-12-29 5:08 am

回答 (4)

2017-03-02 6:03 pm
I would read a reserve but I need silence and I watch television for Big Bang theory family dude spongebob humor or movies on the whole toss me a good booklet and I am going to read it I'm not old a professor or a nerd
2017-01-31 1:09 am
Normally I read 4 -5 catalogs a full week. But if there is something excellent on TV then I will watch it
2015-12-31 2:59 pm
The way a streaming service like Netflix works is that they buy the rights to stream a show from the rights holder (usually the studio which made the show). This means that not every show is available on every streaming service, not ever season of every show is available on a streaming service, and that shows may appear and disappear from streaming services based on the terms of the contract that the service signed with the rights holder. With Netflix and "Dance Moms" they presumably only had the rights to stream the show for a limited period of time (probably a couple of years). After that they were either unable to, or uninterested in, negotiating a new contract to continue to stream the show. It's annoying to viewers, but it's the way streaming services work and it's the price you pay for getting to stream those shows for free.
2015-12-29 5:11 am
Netflix only buys the rights for some shows for a limited amount of time, so I guess DA off. If it was more popular on Netflix they would renew it for another few years, sorry.

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