Do you bring a resume to a job interview for a position as a cashier?

2015-12-29 2:55 am
I have a job interview as a cashier for kmart this week. I applied to be a cashier. Do i need to bring my resume? It seems a little weird if Im just applying to be a cashier. I applied online if that helps.

回答 (4)

2015-12-29 3:02 am
2016-01-04 4:46 am
If you have a resume, absolutely bring it just in case. It's better to have it and the interviewer not need it than to not have it when you should have brought it.
參考: personal experience. also a cashier
2015-12-29 3:35 am
Nope an application form has all needed info
2015-12-29 3:06 am
it never hurts to bring a good resume. might help you in future to move up if you want to.

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