Can a 15 year old have a job or part time job?

2015-12-28 1:26 am

回答 (8)

2015-12-29 12:04 pm
Yes can do it
2015-12-28 5:00 pm
if the employer will hire him
2015-12-28 2:42 am
the chances are EXTREMELY LOW !!! i myself have been looking ALL DAY and everything i find requires being 16 years old AND I HATE IT !!!!!!!
2015-12-28 2:18 am
In the USA they can
2015-12-28 1:37 am
There are limits but yes
2015-12-28 1:32 am
Yes but it's hard to find one. Try local jobs in your community. Most placed don't hire until at least 16
2015-12-28 1:31 am
Part time, yes, but only balanced with school, which is your full time commitment.
2015-12-28 1:26 am
yes, absolutely.

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