我現在就讀香港某間Band1尾英中既中四,成績中上,用英文修讀PHY CHEM BIO,亦都叫係全級頭十(PKB)。   我想去海外升學,因為屋企窮,無錢供我讀,所以想話自己考獎學金讀,但查完資料發現其實好難考,我自問亦唔會拎到5*/5**(5都話有可能姐),咁仲有無其他方法?

2015-12-27 4:42 pm



  另外都有查返USA係唔比國際學生係當地打工,而CANADA係可以打校內工既,咁其他國家呢?同埋我想知道一D門檻較低,FOR想海外升大學既獎學金/資助,金額無拘。   我英文一般,算係溝通到,除左普通話亦無其他識既語言。

回答 (2)

2016-01-10 1:23 am
好書推薦《人生大挑戰》 您知道您可以決定下輩子投胎在哪嗎真人真事故事 請務必看此書 全文臉書網路免費公開
2015-12-27 11:04 pm
There is no method, unfortunately.

1. Work - To avoid derivation of the original purpose, countries will either restrict work hours or places you can work. In short, there is no legal way for an international student to earn enough to support the entire international education.

This is even difficult for local students to achieve.

2. Scholarships, as always, should be the last resort, due to its uncertainty. Sorry to say, if you don't have the money, international education is not for you.

3. Taiwan's education is somewhat special. Unless you intend to study majors that has been officially recognized (like veterinary medicine, Chinese, etc.), you are at your own risks to pick Taiwan.

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