Is Kohls a good place to work at as a first job?

2015-12-26 9:04 pm
I don't want my first job to be a very hard one. I'm okay with it being boring, just as long as it's not very hard. I don't know about being a cashier there though. I'm very afraid of messing up while there's a lot of customers waiting on me or something. I'm not sure. Help please?

回答 (8)

2015-12-26 9:10 pm
Kohl's is easy and laid back.
2015-12-28 2:51 pm
It is a great workplace.
2015-12-27 2:36 am
it isn't like cutting down trees and getting them ready for processing
how hard is hard to you maybe getting out of bed and reporting for work is hard for you
2015-12-27 12:37 am
2015-12-26 9:46 pm
good experience for you
2015-12-26 9:23 pm
yes it's good
2015-12-26 9:19 pm
Don't be afraid I was a cashier to. They train you you never alone. If I can do that you can. Don't let the customer bring you down. Kohls is a good place to start.
2015-12-26 9:06 pm
there's no such thing as an easy job, and trust me customer service is no exception. The register will tell you how much change to give ect. But dealing with people will never be easy. They are far to many rude assholes out there

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