Would you leave church that has fake people?

2015-12-26 8:42 pm

回答 (13)

2015-12-26 9:39 pm
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No. Every church has fake people. A Christian is a child of God even if they are very immature spiritually.
2015-12-26 8:48 pm
I never knew any "fake people" before. If you mean hypocrites then they are everywhere. Even those who never attend church.

Church is a hospital for sinners - not a museum for saints
2015-12-26 8:48 pm
How would I even see fake people? Every person I have ever known was real.
2015-12-26 8:47 pm
I would never leave the Catholic Church as it is the One True Church. Only it has the fullness of truth.
2015-12-27 4:27 am
Yes. It would be very boring to hang out with maniquins in church. They don't move, talk, or learn. It would be pointless to go there. I'd go to church with real people.
2015-12-26 9:10 pm
I have left numerous churches for various reasons. Every church is going to have fake people.

I was asked to leave one church because when the assistant pastor preached from the pulpit that "we aren't under the law" I told him I thought that was wonderful news because there were some people I wanted to murder. He didn't like that so much. Rather than clarify his position (which he was incapable of doing), he asked me to leave the church.
2015-12-26 9:05 pm
Only if most are fake, and if ANY of the leaders, teachers, pastors are also fake.
2015-12-26 9:05 pm
Yes I would leave and find a different church
2015-12-26 8:49 pm
I have never met fake people
2015-12-26 8:44 pm
They are probably all fake people in every church.
You're probably fake, or else why would you deceive yourself

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