My mom spanked me!!!!?

2015-12-26 2:00 am
I wouldnt take off my shoes in the house and when i got mud on the floor...she made me lay on it as she spanked me nonstop with the whole family watching. I think im gonna call child services. Its ok when I punch her but she cant hit me

回答 (14)

2015-12-26 5:40 am
The last sentence just shows you're a fail troll. Sit down f.uckboy.
2015-12-26 2:15 am
Tell your mom she knows how to be a mom and she is rare today.
2015-12-26 9:25 am
Are you serious right now?? Your acting like a big baby. Listen to your mom and you wouldn't have a problem. Second off saying you punch your mom ain't cute. You need to be tough some manners !
2015-12-26 2:30 am
This is a question and answer forum... Do you have a question?
2015-12-27 7:09 am
Grow up, and take your muddy shoes off next time. Too many kids have called child services and regretted it afterwards as the consequences caused them more problems than they ever thought they would. Child services are to help kids in danger not for stupid girls seeking revenge.
2015-12-27 2:33 pm
Call child services so they can put you in a children's home or a orphanage if you prefer it that way. Just remember that there is no such thing as the grass is greener on the other side (it is better there than here at home).

Parents have every right to smack their kids as long as they are living with them and kids are not allowed to hit back. If you dont want to live there then make an effort to work harder at school to become someone so that as soon as you can then you can move out at the age of 18.
2015-12-28 1:05 am
You're lucky that she only spanked you and did not ground you. I would have grounded you for at least two weeks in your room with no TV, no radio, no computer, no phone and no hanging out with friends. Grow up and learn to respect your elders. You think that you are the tough one and you can do whatever you want, but no. It's her house, they are her rules.
2015-12-26 12:29 pm
I'm.sorry that happened do you, but there's not much you can do.

You should have listened and removed your shoe.

😠 😃 😡
👚 👚 👢
2015-12-26 10:43 am
Fail troll but at least you tricked like 10 other here.
2015-12-26 4:05 am
dude parents are so post 2 spank u if they need to discipline cant call anyone cause she didnt abuse u
2015-12-26 4:50 am
yeah I would call child services that is really cruel and awful.
the fact that it was all over mud proves she is abusive
2015-12-27 7:04 am
omg kids are such babies. that is the right thing she did. kids dont have discipline anymore and the country is crap because of it. learn to grow up. its a COUNTRY FULL OF WIMPS
2015-12-26 12:56 pm
Your typing for a four year old is note worthy
2015-12-26 9:51 pm
Everyone else here is heartless!!! They're all saying you're the big baby, but that's not true! Your mom is the big baby for getting angry over something stupid like that! Go ahead and call child services please! She needs to learn her lesson!

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