Anyone could translate this, please? (from Chinese to English)?

2015-12-26 1:10 am
I'm foreigner and I couldn't understand...thank you so much in advance!

回答 (8)

2015-12-26 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Steamed Rice Rolls ( 豬腸粉)

☆ I'd like to suggest you to taste with our chinese breakfast as below also. Some saying that ginkgo congee can clear up with your stomach early in the morning.

Fried bread stick 油條
ginkgo congee 白果粥 (just add a little bit salt when eating)

謹供參考, 謝謝!🤔

◆ Merry Christmas ◆
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Happy Boxing Day! ✌️🎁
2015-12-27 10:01 am
Steamed rice-flour roll (豬腸粉)
2015-12-26 12:44 pm
Steamed rice rolls.
2016-01-06 9:11 am
steam rice rolls
2015-12-29 6:30 am
steam rice rolls
2015-12-28 2:48 am
天堂鳥 · 2 天前 我想問, 加曬醬汁, 係咪都仲可以清理倒膠胃?
2015-12-26 2:02 am
Rice rolls
2015-12-26 1:12 am
Steamed rice-flour roll 豬腸粉

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